Chapter (6)

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Annoyed and bothered by the fact that Jesse was trying to mooch off of my parents, I really couldn't believe he had the nerve to ask. I could hear them from inside the dinning room, discussing rent and other money issues if he is to stay here. Jesse is the type of person that says one thing but does another. I just hope my parents can help straighten him out.

I get up from the couch to go place my cereal bowl into the sink. I'm not going to let Jesse ruin my mood for the day, besides I have something better to look forward too. Shawn and I have a date tongiht, and I'm still not sure what we are going to do.

"Melody dear, Silver is on the phone." Mom shares outloud, so I go into the kitchen to take the wall phone from her.

"Hey, I was actually about to call you." I announce with a smile.

"Really? I was a bit surprised when your mom renamed me as Silver." Shawn replies with a chuckle.

I feel my face flush red as I gaze over at Mom. She gives me an apologetic expression but quickly nods toward Jesse and Dad. Oh, that makes sense, she didn't want the two men all up in my buisness.

"Well, it suits you very well. But for tonight, I sure hope you won't hit like one."

He chuckles at this, "Oh no. What do you have planned?"

"You will see soon enough. Don't forget a baseball cap."

"Ahh I won't. Guess I'll see you later tonight?"

"Yes you will, goodbye."


After hanging up the phone, I thank Mom with a tight hug. She took me upstairs to her room and dug inside her closet. I sit on the bed and watch her, wondering what she could be in search for.

"These are your great-grandmas, I don't use them much anymore. So I thought I would give them to you." She announces happily with a small velvet box in her hand. She sits beside me before handing the box over. I smile at her then open it up, being deprived of air. The stunning pearl earings that sat before me made my eyes water some.

"Mom, these are absolutely beautiful." I whisper as I look up at her. She agrees with me and leans over to give me a hug.

"Yes I know sweetie, I just thought they would make you look gorgeous."

I thank her for the second time this day, then go to shower for the day.

Shawn's POV

I step up the stairs to Melody's house, my stomach dropping almost as soon as I ring the door bell. A female scream startles me and I hoped that everything inside is okay. A minute later, the door is opened by a tall male. His eyes are grey and his brown hair is cut short, his height was just a few inches shorter than my own.

"Hello, is Melody around?" I nervously question, feeling the guy look me over. He leans against the doorframe with a huge smirk.

"Yeah and who are you?"

I extend my hand, "Shawn Milke."

He shook my hand and pulls back to grin again. "I'm Jesse, Melody's cousin."

I nod as he invites me inside. I follow him into a kitchen, noticing Silver standing in the room beside it. I can't see who she is talking to, but it seems like she is giving a pep talk.

"So Shawn, what exactly is your intentions with my cousin?" Jesse flat out asks, watching as I squirm.

"Jesse knock it off. He doesn't have to answer anything you say." Silver replies boringly, shoving him away.

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