Chapter (2)

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“Where have you been young lady?!” Dad shouts at me as I walk through the door, turning to wave at Silver and Lynn. I sigh; I forgot to tell him what I was doing after school.

“Oh I went to that ice cream shop with some friends I met at school today.” I reply shrugging.

“Did you have fun?” Mom asks with a smile, resting a hand on Dad’s shoulder.

I nod, “Yes. They have one huge group of friends.”

“Well I’m glad you met some friends,” Dad says in a softer tone, not as angry as before.

“Me too. Let’s start some dinner?”

I left the kitchen to the sound of pots and pans being pushed around. I went downstairs to my bedroom and open up my school bag, checking to see if I had forgotten to do any homework. I zip the bag up before hanging it on a hook. I pull out some pajamas and take them into my bathroom before stripping down to shower.

“Mel, Dinner is ready!” Dad shouts from the top of the stairs. I quickly put the book I was reading back onto my nightstand before heading for the kitchen.

“Smells great,” I comment as I take a seat at the table. Mom smiles and hands a plate to me.

“So when do we get to meet your friends?” She asks aloud, passing the bowl of green beans to Dad.

I shrug, “I don’t know. Sometime soon.”

She nods and we all ate in silence.


“You met a guy?!” Mom squeals with excitement. I nod and put a finger to my lips, silently signaling to be quite.

“Yes, he’s really shy.”

She nods, “Does he go to your school?”

“No, he’s in college. But he is friends with some guys that go to my school.” I explain with a small smile. She nods again and hands me a dish to dry. I wipe the water with a towel before putting the plate back in the cabinet.

“What does he look like?” She wonders with interest in her tone.

I shrug, “He is tall, has jet black hair, really brown maybe black eyes, and has a lip ring.”

She smiles at me, “Sounds like a bad boy! You usually don’t go for that type.”

I roll my eyes and turn my head to hide a blush, “He just seems like a fascinating person and I want to get to know him better.” 

“I understand that, maybe you could invite him to dinner sometime!”

“Oh mom, that would just be weird.” I protest with a sigh.

She shrugs, “Just an idea.”


The next morning I plump down next to Shane on the bus. He looks over at me grinning,

“So since its Friday, some of the guys mentioned we should go to the movies.”

I nod at him, “That would be fun! I’d just have to talk to my parents.”

“Oh ok, we could go to one of the earlier shows too, depending on what your parents say.” He replies with a smile.

“I’ll talk to them after school.” I promise before we stand up to get off of the bus. Shane and I walk inside to find Dennis and Lily standing beside my locker.

“Hey guys!” They greet happily, huge smirks planted on their faces. I look at Shane, wondering if he thought that they were acting strange. He nods at me as I shrug and turn around to open my locker.

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