Jean(Male reader) 18+

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Requested by Ryuuzaki18

This chapter contain smut. You've been warned 👅👅🔞🔞
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Enjoy darling ~


Other than the well-known local winery bar by Ragnvindr, now owned by Diluc, you also opened a very simple bar that offers cheap wine. You were generous enough to make it cheaper even with the same wine you sell as Diluc, but not many people visit your bar because you were not as well known as the red-haired. You never advertised your bar like any other businesses eventhough you were warned by the Knight of Favonios one time, but you just laughed it off.

Perhaps it was because you had too many mora you can spend. You had made enough to live for eternity and even made everyone life a little better even at a young age. That what you get when dealing with immortal being. Although your safety would never guarateened, you tried to make a life in Mondstadt.

In a simple white shirt and leather jacket you had on you, you wiped a small cup after washing it on the sink close-by, finding the peaceful silence quite relaxing. You glanced at the tall bottle of dandelion wine, remembering your particular customer that just left a while ago. Leaving your wine cup behind, you went to put the bottle of wine with the rest on the cabinet, when you heard a bell ringing indicating someone had just entered your shop. You glanced over your shoulder, to see yet another familiar customer you would get usually when the situation in the city got quite "busy".

You silently chuckled at the blonde-haired, poised female that hiding under the hood she had on. She leasured herself on one of the stool, facing him. Knowing your particular customer, you grabbed her favorite choice of wine along with untouched cup on the cabinet. Turning around, you were about to pour the drink but was stopped by her.

"Not tonight.." She softly said, eyes were still looking down. You raised a brow, putting aside the wine while pondering quietly of the rare occurence. You just let the girl decides.

You did not really speak with your customer. For all your life, you loved seeing things turning out around you, one of the traits you developed that took attention of a certain heartless God.

The traits you had became the favor of the "villain". Although, she found a different 'pet' after you decided to quit. She allowed you to quit rather easily because she knew what you capable of, and what was your position in this world.

There was also a reason why you decided to stay in Mondstadt after became a nomad for quite a long time.

Your eyes landed on the hardworking lady that sat depressingly in front of you right about now. You saw her smile when she aids to her people. You saw her concern to every single citizen of Mondstadt that you got curious.

It amused you how a person could live for others. Even as little, you always have rational thoughts, or rather selfish one. Wailing as a kid when your parents being taken from you would be normal, but not for you.

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