Childe pt.2

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Mention of self-harm/suicide attempt


Your recovery was a long one. Losing both of your limbs were a nightmare for a non-adepti like yourself. Thanks to the genius young man in Mondstadt, Albedo, he was able to create an artificial arms for you to continue living like any other human being. 

You did not seemed like you care of your well-being. It was informed by Albedo that after you woke up, you did not questioned of your new artificial arms, rather you stay quiet with only one questioned ask by you, almost every day.

"Where is Childe ?" You asked, but Albedo did not know who was he, and just answered that he would be fine somewhere. He was afraid if he said the wrong thing, but you were a patient, and it was important to assure you that everything was fine. 

Zhongli watched as you tried your best practicing to write in a whole new language as it was the first time a year ago that you started writing. You had improved, yet you had not once tried to write to Childe. 

"Live your life, be free."

After you stay with Zhongli for almost a year now, you finally understood what does he meant by living. 

Living, was to breath the air uncorrupted with any blood smell, smoke of the battlefield, fear of your enemies, and hollow of your heart. 

Zhongli taught you many things. You met many new people that smiled upon your arrival. You met people that say 'thank you' when you done with the task that you ordered. It was a task that worth a thank you, that Childe never said to you. 

You knew now, the true nature of living. Childe must have live this way his whole life. Feeling grateful, at ease, content at other happiness, being able to fulfill their request.

Will Childe be happy when he see you changed when you meet him ? It was almost one year. You did you best to do what had ordered by him the last time you saw him. 

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