1. Work Hard and Achieve your Goals

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I'm Lalisa Manoban, but I prefer to be called Lisa, it's shorter and more like me...simple, I have been working hard since I was a kiddo to become one of the best dancers around the world, at 4 years old I started with ballet, for a few years I trained only classical dance, when I was 10 I wanted a change, it doesn't mean I got tired of ballet, I still love it, my mum agreed only if I didn't leave my ballet, so I had to train everyday after school till late, I got introduced to R&B and Hip-hop, my body adapted perfectly to classical and modern styles.

I'm from Thailand, and I appreciate my parents allowed me to explore my talents, they have been supporting my dreams since the beginning, so when I was 14 years old I decided to become a trainee, I used to write songs, sing and dance, so I went to a big casting from YG entertainment, I got a spot right away, my mum told me that it wasn't necessary, she had connections if I wanted to try but I decided to do it by myself.

The worst part of all this was leave my home and my family, plus I was going to live by myself in Korea, my dad was really against this, but somehow he managed to accept it, I still don't know how, till today we can't manage to say bye without cry our hearts out.

It was hard for me to adapt to the language, I had to study it twice a day and nobody got close to me, like seriously nobody, I spent days alone, firstly because I was a foreign, secondly I was too happy to be there, at least that's what a girl told me in my second day, so even if they knew English they would ignore me.

Then after  a couple days and a very strict dancing practice I met a great girl around my age, she was the only one that dared to speak to me in English, she was really bold, because she did the only thing that was strictly forbidden by the YG employees and that really affected me, they told everyone that they should only speak in Korean to me, and if someone  dared to do it would get extra  training sessions which was torture to be honest, so to avoid the awkwardness I just focused on myself.

And that's how we became friends, she just came to me and say "Hi Lisa, I know it's forbidden but you seem cooler than everyone here sooooo hi!", with time we became closer, we use to rap together and talk about everything, till one day after spend almost 3 years as best friends, together everyday,  she was chosen to become part of a group or going on a solo career, she had a brilliant future ahead, I always knew it, sadly she got transferred to another area, sadly in another location of YG, she was really talented and it was a great chance for her, I would lie if I say I didn't miss her since the moment we had to say goodbye, but our training was like this, we knew this would happen, either one would go back home or would go ahead with this dream, so I was really happy for her.

Life it's unexpected and when they proposed to me to be part of a new group when I was around 18, I decided to don't become an idol, why? Because I didn't know if I was able to deal with the whole thing by myself, I made other friends, but I wasn't ready to leave all behind, people would be looking to every single detail of my life and honestly it was overwhelming, I was really really shy, don't take me wrong I wanted to work in this Industry but focusing in my dance skills, keep writing songs, maybe produce music, this is what I wanted more, be part of the process, this industry is hard but I do love it, I wanted to make other people shine and help them, plus it would allow me to live more calm and have more privacy.

I kept being a trainee, I wanted to kept developing my skills, I studied more languages and finally musical production, in other words I was still in YG but I wasn't looking for an idol career anymore, it was hard to have this plan approved, I had to talk to many people, finally they said yes but I had to become a backup dancer, and work harder than everyone else.

A few months ago I had the chance to become a leader choreographer in YG studios, the interview was hard, I had to prove to many people that I could train others and make them dance heavenly, luckily I achieved my goal after beating many good dancers.

So I can proudly say I'm currently working under YG studios, we work with trainees that are almost ready to debut and formal idols that need some help, I started from scratch here, at first it wasn't easy, I'm probably the youngest here and some people don't take me seriously, I'm just 21, I just let music speak for me and prove them how wrong they are.

Also I got close to some producers and they ask me for some collaborations in their songs, it's really fun, I love the creative side of this, inspiration could come from almost everything.

Mr. Y called me today, after all this years I never had the chance to meet him, so I'm not gonna lie, I'm beyond nervous, people around here get intimidated easily by him.

"Hi, I'm Lalisa Manoban, I have an appointment with Mr. Yun" the assistant looked at me and asked me to wait for a while.

"Miss Lalisa, you can get inside, Mr. Yun is waiting for you, good luck", she looked at me and went back to her computer, damn that made me gulp, I got inside and bowed down "Good afternoon Mr. Yun", he looked at me with piercing eyes and signaled a chair in front of his desk.

"Lalisa how are you?, You are all grown up now", I looked at him with a puzzled face, he chuckled "You probably don't remember me, but I'm good friends with your parents, the last time we really see each other in person, you were almost 5 years old, don't think I didn't look after you after all these years, but your mum asked me to keep my distance, you are really skilled and it makes me proud the kiddo I met some years ago is this talented", I'm speechless, I'm just amazed by his words, I wanted to talk, say something but he lifted his hand, cause it seemed he had more things to say.

"So you are probably wondering why I called you, well I knew you have been working hard for a few years now and by yourself, I told you, I'm so proud of that, you have been building your career by your own" I just nodded, I was actually flattered and still nervous as hell.

"Well we have a trainee that will be debuting soon, later this year and we want you to be her choreographer, so for a few months you will be working with her exclusively, she is talented, but she struggles with her dancing, and we need the best for her, she has been working only in little projects, mostly collaborations, but we know an idol needs to dance not just sing, we are planning to make her debut not only in Korea, we will be working to make her one of the most important artists around the world, our target is to introduce her in the American industry, they are a really challenging  but she has something powerful, we really have big plans for her".

I was amazed, with this opportunity I can achieve many things, and make a name in this industry, not only in Korea but around the world, "Of course, it's gonna be a pleasure for me to be part of this project, it's what I was looking for, I'm really excited and grateful for this chance,  thank you so much Mr. Yun!" He smiled widely and gave me some files, and a demo of her debuting song, he told me he had two more songs coming for her in the next few days, since there's a good composer that was recommended by one of the producers.

I went to the studio to listening to the demo, it was sang by someone else, but I had to learn her music, because I needed the first choreography soon, like really soon, I was glad it was early, I have enough time to think about it, I put the music on and I let it flow in my whole system, one of my skills is that I can dance any choreography just by looking at it for some minutes, let's say I have a photographic memory so I usually didn't have to write anything, the best is record myself dancing, and adjust the dance moves. After three hours I was done, if the trainee had ideas we can adapt the choreography again.

I was so focused planning moves that I forgot I had her file, I took some time to read it and there she was my first real friend here, Jennie Ruby Jane Kim, a huge picture and all her achievements so far, also her weak points, and yeah her dance and temper were in the list.

Damn I got so happy, I almost cried because she is finally going to achieve her goal, we used to talk about it all the time and her time to debut is coming, I feel really proud, after all this time I really wanted to keep in touch with her, but as trainees we can't, we are busy and we aren't allowed to use our phones, only to call our parents.

"Jennie we'll meet tomorrow again, and I can hardly wait, you were the most amazing and kindest friend I get to know here, I hope you didn't forget about me and now it's my time to help you to achieve your dreams, after everything you have done for me" I said for myself, damn I was starting to get really excited.

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