7. Good enough

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Jennie POV

I was trying to make some space, I wanted to be able to move freely, I was bored so I told my manager to bring me to practice, I need to get better at my dancing, sometimes I do this, even till very late, yet I'm managing to wake up early, I was really focused and then a sound scared me, I turned around and I saw something moving I screamed out loud then I heard her voice "Jennie?" Omg I was about to hit her when she looked at me, she was concerned "Manoban for God sakes, you want to kill me before my debut?" and she laughed, how come someone can have just a melodic laughter?

"No, of course not, I just got startled, plus if I kill you I will get fired, what are you doing here?", I smiled and sat on a chair before answer "I'm practicing, I get bored easily, I don't share my little flat with anyone, so this is my life: work and work and go back home alone, so I called my manager to bring me here, I actually do this when I can't sleep, specially now that I'm about to start recording the songs, I feel I won't have time enough and I need to master this, they told me I have to dance at least 2 choreographies before my debut, cause that's what I will be performing", Lisa looked at me and sat on the floor "So you just come here, steal my ice cream and dance?", I laughed because I won't deny it "Omg come on! it was just once and I replaced it", we both laughed.

"Lili I want this so bad, all my life I have been waiting for this, I don't want to be on hiatus, I need to prove myself that I can do this, so yeah I come here and dance, whenever I feel I need more", Lisa smiled "I like that Kim, and now we are here why don't we practice together? Or are you done?" I shook my head "I have been here only for 30 minutes, I can practice more and I have some ideas... Wait what happened with Xiao?" Lisa was deep thinking and she didn't answer, I asked again and she was startled "What? Who?", I smiled "Xiao? Your date, that handsome guy?" Lisa blushed immediately and I was having fun, I like teasing her and gossiping ok? Don't judge me.

"He left already, he just came to sign some things on his manager office, he has a late flight, he is going back to China" she sighed and I just got up, "So Let's dance?" She nodded and we started with the first steps, then faster and in a few minutes everything was flowing.

At the end of the choreography we were panting "You just got there, I easily can say you already know this and just in a few days, I'm actually Impressed" Lisa said and I just smiled, "I don't understand why ... Never mind", now I was wondering what did she want to stay, I kinda figured it out already after all, that's something that always have been said around, "Why people say I'm difficult and hard to handle, specially some other choreographers?" I said and Lisa blushed, "Jen I didn't mean to...", I cut her off "I think people just assume things, they didn't really give me time to adjust, I need time that's all, yet they wanted me to learn all this in a couple of hours, and yell at me, I hate that, gosh I always have hated that like so much, I didn't have an easy childhood, all my dad did was yell and yell, while I was always scared, and my mum too, I'm glad she left him, he still calls me once in a while to scold me, not even a simple hello, just a reminder that for him I'm a failure" I'm starting to feel on the verge of crying, I never said this before to other people, not even to Lisa so I just wiped my tears back and I walked away, I took my things and I just decided to leave "Lisa I'm tired and it's getting late, I should head home, thanks and I'll see you tomorrow".

Lisa was there looking at me, all I can see in her eyes is sadness, maybe pity?, I just can't stay, I need to leave because I hate to feel vulnerable, people shouldn't be aware of my weak points, "Hey Jen! Wait", Lisa was trying to get my attention but I didn't want to turn back "Is it something wrong?" I asked hoping I could leave as soon as possible and she reached me, "Yeah, I just want to tell you something, please turn around" I hesitated for a moment but I did anyway, "You are good enough, no matter what, you are more than good enough, don't let anybody tell you something else, I always have admired you, you were that brave kiddo who welcomed me over here and wasn't scared at all of the consequences, your voice is amazing and your dance skills are getting so much better, also... you gave me strength, you really did, you don't know how much I suffered being the outcast here, nobody talked to me, on holidays they all could go back home and I was always alone, you just took my bag, packed my things and took me to your home, you were always there for me, and I'll be always thankful for that", I smiled and she wiped my tears away with her thumb, I just nodded "Thank you Lis", she smiled back at me.

She seemed to be thinking, "Let's go get some dinner, it's still early and we can catch up, it's suppose it was the plan, I'm sorry, for change it last minute but please, if you aren't hungry ice cream would be good enough? You still love milk ice cream right?, Well I suppose you do, since you steal mine", I didn't know what to think or say, she was just looking at me with puppy eyes and I'm debating with myself if I should join her or just go home, she took my hand, "Come on Ruby Jane!, let's go, the ice cream it's on me".

I didn't know what to say, I didn't have an answer, "Please Nini" oh damn it, that's something that always makes me do whatever she wants, that nickname will be my ruin, it always makes me melt, "Fine, but you drive me there and back to my flat, let me make a call", she smiled, she really is happiness in human form, a sunshine.

"Manager Unnie, yes I'm done but is it ok if I get some ice cream with Lisa? She will take me back to my flat, yeah I won't spend all night out there, yes even before that ok? Fine", Lisa was looking at me, "I'm sorry, it's just that it's supposed she goes with me everywhere, she had a headache that's why she went back to her flat, we live in the same building, of course her flat is so much better than mine", she laughed "So I suppose she said it was ok, right?", I just nodded, "Great let me carry your bag, it's the least thing I could do, do you remember the place we used to go to eat ice cream? I think we should go back there", I smiled because that's the place I wanted to visit, it was still open, the menu was the same, and it's just a place full of memories.

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