2. We meet again

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Jennie POV

I can't believe I'm becoming an idol, "I'm the best damn thing! Jennie Kim get this in your head" I said to myself, after years of suffering, hard work, sleepless nights, my dream was becoming real.

It makes me think of all the people that I left behind, people that couldn't make it and I was close to them, after a while I started to stop trying to become friends with people around me, except for one girl, she was a foreigner and nobody talked to her, so I decided to speak to her in English, even if it was forbidden, she was just so lonely.

Since the first moment we talked it was like an instant click, it was so easy talk to her, but sadly we got apart because I was taken to another group and I even left that building, I remember I cried all night long for many nights, I wonder if she did the same, I still miss her, I can't deny she was the hardest part of my life that I had to leave behind back then, sometimes we would get called to collaborate with some artists and things but she was never there, till today I wonder if she went back home.

But that's the past, and now I gotta focus on my dream, I will have the chance to become a solo artist and I will become the best idol in this damn company, at least that's all I want for now, prove everyone that I can do this.

Tomorrow I'm gonna start the hardest training, I will be focusing on my dance skills, and later on I will start recording my songs as well, I heard about a new choreographer, she is well known around here, and I'll be stuck working with her for months.

Many people think I'm so cold but it's because I don't like to show my feelings, I don't want they get to know my weaknesses, I just want to show my emotions only when it comes to my performances, there I pour everything I have inside.


Jennie woke up early, she was ready to start as soon as possible with her training, she was nervous, she had to be there around 8AM but she was ready before that because she wanted to do some cardio, take a shower and eat something, it would be embarrassing to faint in the middle of the training session.

When she arrived to the studio she heard one of her songs blasting, one of the managers looked at her "Come on, you better make a great impression on your first day", Jennie just rolled her eyes.

Lisa POV

The door opened when I was dancing to the song we were gonna start rehearsing today, I couldn't help but feel nervous, Jennie Kim is here, I hope she recognises me, I turned the music off and I went straight to her, I bowed down and introduced my self "Good morning, I'm LM we will be working together it's a pleasure to meet you", I bowed down a little and yeah I only told her my initials just to see if she could see her old friend is in front of her, I extended my hand but she didn't shake it, so it was kinda awkward, I bowed down to her manager and she immediately shook my hand.

She seemed very serious, just nodded her head "I'm Jennie Kim, can we start already?" She said in annoyed tone, not gonna lie, it was sad she didn't remember me, maybe she changed or maybe it's me, actually I'm way taller now, and my hair is totally different from back then, she was still the same, those felines eyes and cute cheeks, I used to poke them and she would show me her gummy smile, but I guess things won't remain as they were before.

"Ok let's start, we will be doing a little stretching and warming up, we need to avoid injuries", she looked at me with an arrogant face, and that's when I knew this was gonna be really hard.

After warming up and stretching she seemed uncomfortable "Ok, you don't have to worry, we will start with basic movements, I'm gonna show you the main choreo, and we can sit down and change whatever you want to, this is gonna be a creative process, and we can always adjust things, till you agree with the whole choreography, I won't impose anything, I just try to ensemble all the moves and then we work from that", she just nodded an sat down on the floor.

I put the music, it had an amazing beat, so catchy and then I danced my heart out, I was trying to at least get her attention, and I was really hoping she would like it, her manager seemed amazed but she didn't show any emotion at all.

"So what do you think? Do you think we can start with this?" She just nodded and we started with the first part, she was trying hard, but I saw her struggling and get annoyed, we were trying for almost 30mins.

We can rest now, will take 10minutes, go drink some water, she didn't answer, just walked away, her manager approached to me "Miss LM, don't take her wrong, she just hates to asking for help, once you know her you'll see she is a really nice girl", "Please just call me Lisa and don't worry, I know, she seems kind, her problem is she wants perfection since the beginning and she lose her temper easily, but we will be working to achieve it" her manager smiled at me "She is really talented but you are right, she just wants to be perfect" she smiled at me again and walked towards Jennie.

Jennie POV

I was so fuming mad, all this dancing gets me frustrated and annoyed, plus this choreographer trying to act all nice bothers me even more, I don't want friends, I just want to work, this gets on my nerves, I really don't want any new friend, I don't care if people think I'm a loner, I gotta stand for my self and don't rely on anybody, cause in the future when those people aren't by my side I may collapse, actually it happened to me already once, and I don't want that happening to me anymore... but I gotta admit this choreographer seems familiar to me, those doe eyes, maybe we met before over here, she has a Barbie doll face, and I gotta admit she is talented, she really amazed me with her movements, I hope I can do the same, actually I need to do the same, or I won't get my debut.

"Manager Unnie, is there a problem?, why were you talking to the choreographer?" I asked her cause well I always get curious about these things, she seemed nervous, "Jen I know you hate to ask for help, but you really need to change your attitude, she has been nice and she just wants to help you, you need this if you want your debut, and I was only telling her that she is talented that's all", I looked at her and drank water, I was already tired and I still have to learn a lot, sometimes this takes all day, I have had many choreographers but they gave up on me easily, I know it's my bitch arrogant face and attitude, but I can't help it.

"Hey LM can we start again? I'm done resting" she nodded and we started again, I couldn't stop thinking that she looked familiar but I couldn't actually recall why or from where.

"Ok look at this Miss Kim, this movement is easy, but you have to lose your body, we won't use the music, we will start step by step, follow me, and then try it" I did, but seemed forced, "Ok again, try this" she said and I did but again robotic, and I started to get frustrated, "Ok come with me, we need to discuss about the choreo" she was gonna grab my hand but I moved it away before she could touch me, I just trailed behind her to her office.

"Please take a seat Miss Kim", she took cold water out of a mini fridge, and something else, then she placed both things on her desk, she looked at me and said "I just have a question, Why aren't you trying enough?, you have talent, and I'm sure you are aware that dancing is important for idols, if you want to become one, you must try harder", I looked away, she doesn't have the right to scold me, she works for me "Look Miss choreographer, you don't have the right to..." I couldn't finish because she dared to cut me off, "Nini I just wanna help, I'm aware It's not easy, so eat this, and I'll wait for you outside when you are done".

She walked away leaving me dumbfounded, she called me Nini, how the hell she dares to call me like that?... There's something about that nickname... I just couldn't recall, that nickname really seems familiar, then I saw a milk flavoured ice-cream on her desk and a wave of memories hit me right in the face, my first trainee years, my Thai friend, Lili! Is really here? Is my Lili this damn annoying choreographer?

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