22. Sisters

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Lisa POV

I'm here listening to Jennie, she is recording one of my songs and she doesn't even know, I'm just amazed and grinning probably like an idiot.

Teddy saw my face and chuckled "Stop staring at her, you aren't dreaming, I told you an artist was going to record one of your original songs, even more if they get approved", I was amazed because it was actually Jennie the one that inspired that song and many others, "Well Teddy I'm just happy you know, it's just great, thank you", he smiled at me and kept working, I got up and looked outside the window, If only Teddy knew the reason why I can't stop smiling he would be shook, yeah I do love the fact one of my original songs are getting recorded but the main reason is Jennie, that song was meant for her even before I knew, when I sang it for the first time she was the only one I could think about, I was still looking outside when I felt a tight embrace, I smiled because it was Jennie, even if couldn't see her face, "Stop smiling" she said and that made me laugh, I turned around and Teddy wasn't there anymore, "Where's Teddy? I thought you would need more time", she smiled "I guess you were too lost in your thoughts when he said he needed to eat something and left, it's already late I asked him if I could leave and he said we made a great progress so we could keep going tomorrow", I smiled "You are doing a great job, I like that song by the way".

She was gathering her things "You do? I was nervous when I chose it, I just loved it so much, they made me sing many songs, but when this one was handed to me and I read the lyrics I really knew I had to work with this, all the executives and producers approved it, and for some reason I feel it's special, I know you may think I'm cheesy, but it made me think about you", I just smiled "Why about me?" I asked her and she blushed, "You always have been special for me and when I had to leave and keep training in another place I felt I was... incomplete?, I don't know and in a way I felt this is something you would tell me after I told you I was moving to another location, I think I wanted you to ask me to stay".

I was taken aback and kinda surprised, she just kept getting ready, checked her phone and then looked at me "I know we were young but maybe if you asked me to stay back then, I probably could have refused to leave but you always have been so kind, generous and selfless, you were so excited for me and that's why I left, I worked hard, I wanted to debut because yes it's my dream but also I didn't want to disappoint you", she smiled "Unnie is waiting for me", she took her bag and I took her hand "Jen I wanted you to stay more than anything, I spent many nights crying because you weren't there with me everyday, because I couldn't call you, I tried a couple of times but you know this company, they are strict, don't think all this time and before we met again I didn't think about you, I never stopped thinking about you, and when we met again I couldn't sleep because I was too excited to see you everyday again, I guess training, then work and Xiao were a good distraction after all this time, but eventually everything brought me back to you, I'm glad we ran into each other again, I'm glad we got to work everyday together and got our friendship back, I'm even more glad you confessed to me cause I don't think I would have been able, I don't really know, I knew I was feeling different but I was in denial to be honest, cause if it was one sided I just couldn't afford to lose you, I mean we could have gotten apart eventually or things could have gotten awkward, then you came to me all brave confessing everything and I felt like crumbling, like all the walls I built to hide my real feelings, they just crumbled to the ground in seconds, and I knew I wanted to be with you, I always knew but I was afraid to accept it".

I took a moment to get closer and caress her beautiful face, she was giving me a beautiful gummy smile, I brushed her cheeks with my thumbs "But even if I love you so much and I want to be with you as long as you let me, hopefully forever, I won't ever ask you to leave your dreams behind for me, I just love you so much, I always have and probably I always will, I'm willing to support you in any way you need, even if we were friends or just colleagues, I want the best for you, as an idol you'll have everyone at your feet, guys, girls, money, companies, and we won't be able to be together all the time but you are really talented, this is something you have been working for a long time, you need to achieve everything you want, all your dreams and if I can be part of those dreams I will be more than honoured" She was almost crying, I didn't meant to make her cry, but I want she knows I'm there for her, together as a couple, friends or just as a mentor, I just took her in my arms, I held her tight and I felt her arms around me holding me tight as well, then I just kissed her, she kissed me back, and right now I'm even more sure that ask her to stay would have been a great mistake, we are when we are supposed to be right now, our paths crossed again for a reason and I'm willing to do anything for her.

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