21. More dancing

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Jennie POV

I do enjoy to tease Lisa, I know sooner or later she will take revenge but it's just too much fun and actually every single time I see her I do wanna kiss her, so bad.

We all got lunch this time, including the dancers unnie and Lisa, it's good people actually take the time to get to know you better, after that I went directly to the studio and I met with Teddy, we were gonna record the songs I will be launching when I debut, I already had some demos and I think I know how do I want this to go, I want to add some chorus and rapping, Teddy immediately said yes.

Once I was singing I felt great, and in every cut I thought about Lisa, she was still working with the dancers, those guys are really talented, Lisa push them to get better, they will be really ready for this, I miss her, it's hard to spend almost every  hour by her side and then I have to do other things, don't take me wrong, this is wonderful, I'm living my dream, but this dream looks so much better with Lisa right there beside me.

I made some changes after listen to some segments and I asked Teddy to record it again, "Ok, Jen it seems you really are doing your best, I know we have been recording lots of songs but this one fits you better, we have demos but you can compare the sound, it seems you have been getting where we wanted you to go, a better performance, so that's why we started from scratch, now will be recording the backup lines, and chorus later, get ready and if you keep working like this by Friday we could have the 3 songs ready, specially the ballad, it's really good", I was really excited and I just gave him a gummy smile.

By the end of our sessions I sang my heart out, my voice coach came and helped, she reminded me to keep working on my voice, and then I saw Rosé sneaking in, that made me smile.

"Rosieeeee, how are you???" Are you working right now?" I asked her and she smiled ,"Yeah, I'll be recording some things for your songs, I think you'll like it", I was really excited she has a beautiful voice, I walked out of the cabin and Teddy showed me our work from today, "Damn it, this sounds great, I can't wait to hear the final version", he smiled at me, "I'll be working on this till late Miss Kim, so maybe tomorrow will have the first part, plus you really do your best, come here after your classical dance class and we will work a little bit more", I nodded, I just felt really excited.

Teddy left for a couple of minutes to get some water "Jen I talked to Lisa, she looks so happy, and actually she has been talking about you non stop" that made me smile, I was really happy, "Jen we are like sisters but don't you dare to hurt my Lisa, she is my family as well, so even if I appreciate your friendship Lisa is my priority", I smiled even more "Don't worry, I don't want to hurt her, I promised we would talk about everything, before anything else, that means that if for some reason we have an argument we need to talk about it, and ignore all the rumours around", she nodded.

Taylor Unnie came "Jen let's get some rest, you have 20 minutes for your class", I rolled my eyes "Do I really need this? Why don't stick to Pilates and gym training?, I always hated classical dance, since I was 5 or so, why do I have to take ballet?, of course I'll die, I'm not trained for this", she laughed at me "Don't be stubborn, you know you need it, you have been struggling and this helps, so yeah suck it up and come with me, I promise you water and snacks" I just got moody, Teddy passed by my side smiling "See ya later Teddy" he waved and started to work, I said bye to Rosie and walked away, I got in this private room, with comfy and soft couches, I just flopped myself on one of them and I took a mini nap, then I got some snacks and I went to change clothes.

Unnie was laughing at me "Yeahhhh laugh all you that want, make me suffer, you'll regret it later on", she kept laughing "You'll thank me, after this class you'll be happier" I honestly doubt that.

We walked to another area, seemed different from where I always dance, I just sat on the floor, Unnie sat by my side "Hey, are you really going to act like a child?" I ignored her and she chuckled  "I'll bring the bag you left outside kiddo" she patted my head like if I was a toddler and it got me in a worst mood, I got my phone and I texted Lisa

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