4. The call

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Lisa's POV

I'm not gonna lie after everything that happened today I was smiling non stop, the first part was rough, but at the end of the day I was really pleased, Nini had a different attitude and she really improved in just one day.

I was hoping she keeps being open to learn more, I heard she had a bad time dancing, but hopefully this is going to change.

I texted Rosé for dinner, luckily she was still in the building, so I went to the studio, she was recording some songs, she is currently a backup singer and waiting for her big chance, her harmonies were perfect, Teddy the producer was pleased.

"Lalalisa in da house", he said looking at me, "Teddy! How are you????", "I'm just recording some harmonies with Rosé, and waiting for you to rap for me", I just chuckled "We will work on that when my schedule is free, I'm currently busy, and I don't really have some space in my agenda but count me in, I have been writing some songs", Teddy smiled at me "A new artist will be recording one of your songs, you should be proud, I made sure it got approved as soon as you gave it to me", I was speechless "What? Really?? Omg that's amazing, thank you, that's great" I just can't believe someone will be singing one of my songs, this is becoming real.

"Lis I'll make sure to invite you to come over when it gets recorded", I just nodded and kept smiling, wow, just wow, I'm getting there.

I kept talking to Teddy for a couple of minutes more, he is always so nice and fun, and when Rosé was done we invited him to get dinner with us but he had to decline he still had work to do, so we left.

"Lis how was your day? I hope it got better" Rosé said to me playfully, I looked at her and smiled "It was a nice day, a hard one but nice, I can't wait to go home though, come on don't look at me like that, we are getting dinner", she just smiled and got into my car, we didn't want anything fancy, we just craved some Korean BBQ.

When we got there our usual spot was available "You won't believe this Rosie, the ice queen you mentioned before, it's actually my old friend, my first friend from my trainee days, before I met you of course", Rosé was trying to talk but her mouth was full, I just chuckled "Omg you are gonna choke up, seriously, eat first, you can't speak while eating all that", this girl is so funny and pure, she drank some water and cleared her throat, "The nice girl?, the best friend? The only one who dared to speak in English even if it was forbidden is... Jennie Kim? I'm sorry Lisa it's just...shocking, are we really talking about the same person?, seriously?, the one I met was... So cold, I almost got in a group with her, but we didn't get along so they sent me to your area, plus my Korean wasn't good, so I had to take classes again, that was another reason, wow I can't believe it!".

"I swear Rosie, I was so excited, then she had this cold aura and didn't look at me, she didn't recognised me at first, it took her a long time, cause she had a bad attitude, so I decided to be clear with her, you don't now how many choreographers have been working with her and she ends changing them, I thought she changed but at the end of the day I saw a glimpse from her old self, we even exchanged numbers", Rosé was shook, looking at me in awe, that made me chuckle, "Lis don't get your hopes up, she is not the same as she used to be, maybe she got nicer but trust me, she is really something, you have to be patient", "Well I know, I'm not planning to be friendly all the time, you know I'm strict when we talk about work, and I need she learns all the choreographies, but I would be lying if I tell you that I'm not expecting to be her friend again, like reconnect",  Rosie looked at me and smiled, "Lis You are really cute, the sweetest person I have ever met here, so just be careful, I don't want you to get hurt".

She was right, as I said before people change, and I'm sure after all this time she changed, but  that doesn't mean we can't rebuild our friendship right?

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