eighteen ❝squishmellow❞

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string cheese

you: your apology was terrible

string cheese: at least
i tried dumbass

you: by trying did you mean
trying to get mcgonagall to
raise your grades??

you: oh yes, i know.

string cheese: girl- you would
do it too.

you: you're right i would 😳
but that is beside the point

string cheese: & what's the
point?? you want to help your
dad escape?

you: if you have been keeping
up he already has like the
baddie he is 🙄

you: but i don't stan him

string cheese: imagine having
your dad goto azkaban 😐

you: imagine having this mf
as your dad


string cheese: that's also your uncle

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string cheese: that's also
your uncle.

you: sadly*

string cheese: sadly?

you: did i stutter? well
maybe a little bit cause
i am still getting that bag 💰

string cheese: gold digger alertt

you: yes? & what about it 😐 i
need to get new squishmellows
too 🙄

string cheese: whattt- you
have squishmellows? they
are all sold out wherever i go.

you: oh really? i usually run to
the muggle world to get my

string cheese: which shop?

you: i believe it's called walmart?
if you don't find it there you can
also go to target... i believe they
have them there as well.

string cheese: really?? i would
probably get lost or something.
so it's a no for me

you: i can help you if you want,
i go to the muggle world every
weekend. i even have some muggle
friends there.

string cheese: bitch i don't
want to meet your muggle friends.
i am there for squishmellows, &
squishmellows only.

you: jeez, okay this weekend @ 3???

string cheese: am or pm??

you: ima need you to chill i
ain't gonna wake up at 3 am
just to get you squishmellows.

string cheese: well if it's pm then
i cant go since i am quidditch

you: tf? just skip quidditch it's
a once in a life opportunity to
go buy squishmellows with the
amazing lila black.

string cheese: you are so self
absorbed 🙄

you: no, it's just called confidence.
maybe if you had some you wouldn't
bleach your hair...

string cheese: *dramatic gasps*
i would never bleach my hair!

you: tell that to all your box
dye under your dorm bed 😳

string cheese: how do you

you: blaise my g 😈💯

string cheese is offline

you: so, no squishmellows???

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