Class Trial #2 [OLD]

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Ruriki: Ahh, now we're back where we started!

Azuse: All we know is that Samuela was stabbed in the back,

Asta: Also that she was stabbed in the back

Nawari: Quite literally!

Kane: Man! I didn't think this would be so difficult...

Imi: You may be right but, we must get to bottom of this or it will be the end of all of us.

Aku: All of us except the killer!

Rio: Hey, I don't mean to interrupt but..

Rio: Does anyone remember seeing the last person to leave the Dining Hall?

Asta: Well the first person to leave was Azuse, right?

Azuse: Yup! I saw that idiot standing in front of the door.

Nachio: I have a name you know..

Taniri: So we can cross out those two.

Nawari: Ruriki and I were the second and third to leave. Anymore of that and we would've died!

Ruriki: Yup!

Ridaa: Then I left and I'm pretty sure Aku left not much later.

Nachio: So that leaves...

Asta: Kane, Imi, Rio, myself, and Samuela..

Nachio: Hmmm..

???: Well isn't this interesting?

???: One out of those four people in the Dining Hall killed that little princess... how sad.

Nachio: ...

???: Don't worry! Just like the last one, this one is pretty easy.

-Nonstop debate: Make your argument!-

Aku: So it all leads down to those four...

Nawari: Well for certain.. I think Asta's innocent.

Azuse: Huh? Why not?

Nawari: Well, it makes a lot more sense for it to be one of the boys.

Kane: T-that's your argument!?

Nawari: Hey! I'm just saying...

Aku: I think it's best for you to stop talking now before you regret it.

Ruriki: Well if that's it then.. the other three boys must've ganged up on Samuela and- wham!

Nawari: That's.. ah not what I meant.

Taniri: No, I don't think that's possible.

Ruriki: What do you mean?

Taniri: I mean that there was only one killer.

Taniri: Mononeko said it himself when I asked.

Asta: Y-you asked?

Mononeko: Pupupupu! That's correct! There was only one killer here!

Azuse: So then, it's either Kane, Imi, Asta, or Rio!

< Truth Bullet: Taniri's Account

Nachio: No, that's wrong!


Nachio: No, there's one more..

Azuse: If you mean Samuela, she's kinda dead. Pay attention!

Nachio: Not her, Taniri.

Taniri: What about me?

Nachio: For starters, you never addressed when you left the Dining Hall, if you even left the Dining Hall.

Taniri: I don't need to address anything to you!

Aku: Do you *want* to die a painful death?

Taniri: That's assuming I am the murderer.

Asta: But that's also assuming that you're innocent and kill us all!

Taniri: *Tsk*

Kane: So... you gonna say something, killer?

Taniri: Excuse me!?

Kane: It's obvious! You killed Samuela now admit it!

Taniri: I did no sure thing!

Imi: Isn't that what they all say?

Nachio: Ah. Hold on a moment..

Azuse: What now?

Nachio: It's true that he didn't mention when and/or if he left the Dining Hall but that doesn't mean I think he's the murderer here..

Kane: What?! But why else would you mention that?

Nachio: I'm going to ask another question.. hey Imi.

Imi: Is something wrong?

Nachio: Not particularly but out of everyone in this room you seem the most calm. Why is that?

Imi: Panicking won't do anyone any good. It's best we stay calm during these times.

Ridaa: He's got a point!

Nachio: Well, you are right.. panicking wouldn't do *you* any good, right?

Imi: ...

Kane: What exactly are you trying to imply?

Nawari: Yeah, speaking of which aren't *you* a little too calm?

Nachio: Yeah but you guys rely on me so it's my job not to panic.

Nachio: Besides that, Kane you seem pretty panicked yourself.

Kane: Of course! Another one of our classmates just died any we all will too if we get this wrong!

Nachio: Right...and are you sure *you* aren't the murderer?

Ruriki: I'm sorry... WHAT!?

Asta: Hold up! Time out. You can't just go switching sides like that!

Nachio: Well we have five potential murders on our hands, what else do you want me to do?

Ridaa: Yeah but...

Nachio: So then you two, prove yourselves. Prove to me you aren't just another stab in the back!

???: You sure are having fun, aren't you?

(I wonder who killed poor Sameula and who ??? is... Guess you'll find out next time I decide to update this! Also, that gif represents a lot more than I thought it would lol -Elli)

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