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Gigil (n)

    - the irresistible urge to squeeze someone because you love them

Esmay's POV

Standing there waiting for Ezra, I allowed myself to calm down.

"Bye Esmay" I heard someone shout

I turned my head towards the entrance to the main building and saw Coby walking backward waving at me. I laughed and waved back with the same energy. He turned around and walked back into the building as I watched him go.

"You ready?"

I spun around and saw Ezra standing there with a soccer ball in his hand.

"Ready for what?" I asked

"A match" he grinned at me and gestured to the ball in his hand

I grinned back and nodded my head.

"Let's play"

I walked over to the bench to set down my phone, keys, and sunglasses. Happy that the shirt I was wearing had a stable built-in bra, I turned around and walked back to Ezra.

He had a coin in his hand and once I got to the middle he flipped it and we called out our sides. I had won so he tossed the ball over to me and I caught it with the side of my foot and got into game mode. Dribbling the ball back and forth I began to run with it and getting about 5 feet away from the goal I kicked it in.

Turning around I saw Ezra standing in the spot he was before staring at me in amazement.

"Your ball" I laughed and got the ball kicking it to him

He caught it beneath his feet and smiled mischievously at me.


For the next half an hour we played a serious match with both of us scoring several times.

Groaning I flopped on the ground with my arms and legs spread out. Ezra sludged over to me and flopped down horizontal to me with his head on my stomach.

"I'm burned out" I breathlessly said

"Me too"

Raising my arms off the ground and moved them towards his head and began to run my hands through his hair.

He breathlessly sighed and closed his eyes relaxing into me. We laid there for a few minutes just relaxing in the sun before I opened my mouth to break the silence.

"We should go shower" I whispered at him

"Okay" he whispered back at me

He sat up groaning before standing up and extended a hand out for me. I grabbed his hand and hoisted myself up. He pulled me into his chest and when I raised my head up he leaned in and pressed his lips against mine. Kissing him back with the same energy I smiled and pulled away once I ran out of breath.

We walked hand in hand back to the dorms and separated once he walked me back to my room and turned around to walk back to his. Walking into my dorm I grabbed my shower things and a change of clothes and walked to the bathrooms to shower.

After finishing my shower I walked back to my room and decided to take a nap.


Waking up I picked up my phone and saw that it was past 10 and I had 2 texts from Ezra.

Hey I'm going to take a nap. I'll text you once I wake up.

Sent 5:32

Hey I just woke up


His last text was from just 5 minutes ago so I facetimed him and waited for him to pick up. Less than 5 seconds later he picked up the phone and I saw that it looked like he had just woken up.

"Hey," he said groggily

"I just woke up too"

He chuckled and we just laid there for a few minutes until I saw Ezra's eyes begin to close and he was fighting to keep them open.

"Sleep. I'll still be here when you wake up" I whispered


He closed his eyes and went to sleep.

I saw his forehead relax and his shoulders slump down. His eyelashes rested against his face and his lips slightly parted. I sighed and relaxed staring at him. The longer I stared the more I thought about how lucky I was to have him. Seeing him in high school it was more of physical attraction. The way he carried himself was not only attractive to me but to anyone with eyes. Soccer also kept him with a fit body, not too muscular but also not skinny. He had beautiful brown eyes that lightened in the sun. His eyelashes could make anyone jealous. They framed his eyes perfectly. His nose was slightly crooked from a possible broken nose he got in the past. He had a round face and his jaw wasn't incredibly sharp but it suited him perfectly. His fluffy hair flopped on his face and made him look absolutely harmless. And his lips. His bottom lip was slightly bigger than his top and made him have a pouty look. That was the face that made him stand out.

But his personality is what made me fall deeper for him. He was one of the most caring people ever. His smile lightened up my world and I could never be upset seeing him happy. When he was interested in something he could talk about it for hours and I could listen to him for as long as he would talk. His dedication was admiring. Balancing soccer, grades, and a social life is something I don't think I would be able to do.

Being with Ezra made me the happiest that I've ever been in my life. He could turn my saddest moments into the most cherishing. He could ask me to do the craziest and insane thing and I would do it for him. I trusted him with everything and I would do anything to make him happy. Even if he and I didn't last I wouldn't trade this time for anything. If Ezra ever found someone that made him happier then I would give up my own happiness for him. Because seeing him happy is something that I don't even need to think about doing.

I was in love with Ezra Jackson and there was nothing I could or would do to stop it.


1054 words

Say you won't let go - James Arthur

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