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Selcouth (adj)

- unfamiliar, rare, strange, and yet marvelous

It was the first day of college and I was beyond nervous. My parents had driven me and they dropped me off after I finally convinced them that I could walk inside by myself. Kissing them goodbye I put my stuff in a cart and grabbed my pillow in my hand. As I was rounding the corner someone bumped into me. Taking a look at their face I saw him. I froze as he bent down to pick up the pillow.

When he got back up he also froze as we stood there staring at each other. I quickly shook myself back and grabbed my pillow from his hand.

"Thank you. And sorry for bumping into you"

"No problem at all and I should have been watching where I was going," he replied

"Let me help you up to your dorm as a way of saying sorry" he continued

I accepted and he grabbed the cart while I held my pillow walking silently next to him.

"What community do you live in?"

"Branner Hall" I responded back

He pushed the cart inside and I led him to my room door.

Pulling out the key and opening the door, we walked inside. I set down my pillow and showed him where he could leave the cart.

"Thanks for your help"

"No problem. I guess I'm just going to go now."

To be completely honest I didn't want him to leave but what was I supposed to say;

Hey, I know you from high school but you probably don't know me since you had a lot of friends but I had the biggest crush and you and now you're in my room and I don't want you to go.


I thanked him again as he walked out the door.

I felt my heart finally calming down now that he wasn't in the room but his cologne lingered in the dorm. It smelled exactly like cedar wood and a hint of honey.

I looked around the dorm noticing that the right side had been taken by my roommate who wasn't in the room. I walked towards the left bed and took out some wipes and began to wipe everything down. I finally began to unpack, placing my clothes in the drawer and my outerwear going inside the closet.

I walked into the bathroom to place my things when I saw my roommate's items messily thrown on the sink. I grabbed them and placed them in the right corner of the sink before putting my things neatly on the left side. Walking back to the dorm I walked to the bed and placed my covers on them.

Then I moved on to the fun part.


After finishing I sprayed on deodorant and resprayed my coconut-scented perfume.

I had on light grey parachute pants and a dark grey cropped athletic jacket. I walked over to my shoe rack and grabbed my white Nike airs putting them on. I left the dorm deciding to explore. I walked around passing the dining hall where people were talking with their friends, before moving outside where I saw clubs set up.

Why not join a club, it won't hurt.

I walked around the tables set up and so far none of the clubs were catching my eye

Looking up, I saw Alex with two other guys walking around too. I caught myself staring and looked away before he could also notice.

Deciding to keep exploring inside I turned around and saw this one girl that used to annoy me in school. I tried to speed walk away before she could see me

"EVE" I heard someone shout behind me

Shoot I should have walked faster.

Recognizing the voice I slowly turned around to see her running towards me. As she got closer she jumped on me pulling me tightly towards her.

"I MISSED YOU" she loudly screamed into my ear.

I grimaced while softly hugging her back.

"Missed you too" I chuckled nervously.

She finally pulled back and started babbling about how her summer vacation was.

I looked behind her tuning her out and saw Alex looking at me with an amused smile on his face. The sun was shining down on him making his eyes shine.

I slowly mouthed at him "Help me"

Smiling widely he puts up two thumbs up and walks up to me grabbing my arm.

When I said help me I didn't know he was going to do this

"Hey, do you mind if I borrow her? Thank you" he quickly said while pulling me away

"Walk fast and don't look back," he said as I tried hard not to laugh

Walking fast we finally made it back inside and I let go of the laugh that I was holding

He began laughing with me and for several minutes we just stood there laughing.

Once I sobered back up I thanked him for helping me escape.

"Thanks for that," I said smiling at him

"It's no problem but if you want to thank me you can meet me somewhere later"

"Where?" I asked him

"Get coffee with me"

I stared at him not believing what I was hearing

"I saw a coffee shop on my way here and just wanted to try it out," he said while scratching the back of his neck.

I continued staring at him

"Sooo is that a yes or a no?" He laughs nervously

"Sorry, it's a yes" finally snapping out of it.

"Okay good. Do you wanna go now or" he said stretching out the r

"Yeah, I'm free now. Just let me go grab my wallet and then I'll meet you back here?"

"Yeah, that's a good idea. I'll meet you back here in about 20 minutes?"

I smiled and nodded and then we separately went back to our dorms.

For a second I thought I was in a dream. Going to get coffee with someone that I've been crushing on for all of high school?




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