S6, E1 "Baby Jaguar to the Rescue"

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Diego's POV:

"Hola, Soy Diego, Today, I am gonna climb up to the Rocky mountain and Watch The sunrise with Baby Jaguar" I Said to all of My Friends

"Have You ever see the sun rising before?" I Asked and...

"Cool, I see it all the time and It's pretty, Do You wanna see the Sun rising with Me and Baby Jaguar?" I Asked and...

"Great! Come on Amigos!" I Said and I started to climb the Mountain by using My climbing rope and I carefully was climbing on the Mountain without slipping, I stayed calm and I continued to keep climbing without looking down. I finally made it

"Yay, We made it" I Said and-

"Ayúdame!" Said a Voice and I looked around.

"Uh-Oh, sounds like someone is in trouble, Do You see who is in trouble?" I Asked and...

"A Sloth?" I Asked and I went to the edge and I got down on My knees and I looked around and I saw-

"Hey, That's Sammy the sloth" I Said

"And It looks like He's trying to hold on to the Branch but the branch will break soon!" I Said

"We gotta save Him" I Said and I took My rescue rope, I put My helmet on, I tied the rope to a heavy rock and I started to climb down the Mountain and I managed to get to Sammy and I let out My arm and He started to climb onto My arm and I hold Him and I started swing to a near Tree and I grabbed a strong Tree branch and Sammy started to climb onto the Tree branch and I swing back and I was still high Up but than I saw-

"Oh No, The rope got tangled with the branch that Sammy was on!" I Said but than-

"And My foot is stuck!" I Said and I didn't know How My foot gotten stuck, It got stuck, I keep trying to pull it out but it was stuck in good and Now The rope got Tangled and My foot got stuck and-

"Meow, Meow!"

"Hey, That sounds like Baby Jaguar, Can You go to Baby Jaguar and Tell Him that I need Help!" I Said


Baby Jaguar's POV:

"Hi, What does Diego need?" I Asked and...

"Oh Help" I Said and-

"He needs help?!" I Asked

"Wow! He needs My help! B-But I can't Rescue Him by Myself, Can You help Me Rescue Diego?" I Asked and...

"You will? Yay! Meow! Meow!" I Said

"Great! Let's Go!" I Said and I started to run but than I stopped running and I walked back.

"But How are We gonna find Diego?" I Asked

"Who would ask for Help if someone's in trouble?" I Asked

"Click! That's right, Diego's special camera will Helps Us, Come on, Let's go to Alicia" I Said and I started to run to the Science Staff and I climbed Up the ladder and I ran into the room and I saw-

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