Happy 11th Brithday Alicia!

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Diego's POV:

Today is My Sister "Alicia" Birthday and Me and My Family wanted to do something really special, We wanna throw Her a huge Surprise because She really deserves it. I know Alicia has been staying at The Science Staff for about 2 months ever since She save a White Tail-Dear. Anyways, Both My Mami and Papi made breakfast for Alicia. Me, Luca, Our Parents and My Whole Family are going to throw The Party at The Back of Dora's House. So I put Luca in Her Highchair and Don't worry because We ate and We all got Up really early.

"Hijo, Can You go and wake Up Your Sister?" Asked Mami

"Okay Mami" I Said and I walked over to Alicia's bedroom Door and I gently open The door and-

(Alicia's bedroom)

I giggled Softly and I slowly walked over to Alicia's bed and I saw that Alicia was sleeping peacefully in Her bed, So I gently shake Alicia and I saw that Alicia started to open Her eyes and-

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I giggled Softly and I slowly walked over to Alicia's bed and I saw that Alicia was sleeping peacefully in Her bed, So I gently shake Alicia and I saw that Alicia started to open Her eyes and-

"¡Buenos días hermana!" I Said and Alicia smiled but She covered Herself with The Blanket and-

"Licy, Do You know what today is?" I Asked and-

"Today is My-" Said Alicia but I cut Her off and-

"Saturday, Yay! Anyways, There's something waiting for You" I Said and Alicia looked at Me and-

"With That smile on Your face, I have a huge feeling that You're going to do something to Me" Said Alicia

"What would I do to You?" I Asked and-

"Seriously? Almost Every Saturday You always pull a Prank on Me or Never leave Me alone for about like 5 minutes" Said Alicia and-

"But I'm Your Brother, I'm suppose to bother You because I love You Licy" I Said and I hugged Her and Alicia laughed.

"Anyways, You should probably get ready like Brush Your Teeth and Get Dressed because It might be cold" I Said and I walked out of Alicia's room and I close The door and I walked into The Kitchen and-

"Licy is awake" I Said and-

"Good, Now Come on, We better get to My Brother's House" Said Papi and I picked Up Luca and We walked out of The Rescue Center and We all giggled.

Alicia's POV:

I sigh and-

"Little Brothers" I Said but than I realized that-

"I was about to say to Diego that Today is My Birthday but Did He forget?" I Asked and...I really hope He didn't. Anyways I went to The Bathroom to get ready.

(Skip Time)

I got Dressed and I just finished Brushing My teeth and than When I walked into The Kitchen, I saw whole meal of Breakfast was perfectly set on The Table and I noticed a Note on The Table, So I picked It Up and I started to read it.


Dear Alicia,

We are going on a Rescue Mission and You're going to have to stay at The Science Staff again. But We made You This Wonderful Breakfast and Never forget that How much We love You!

XOXOXO From Your Mami, Papi, Diego and Luca.


I smiled after I read The note and I sat down and I started to eat My breakfast.

Diego's POV:

We arrived at Dora's House and We immediately started to decorate The Whole House with Purple Balloons, Purple Streamers and basically Everything is Purple, Both Tía and Mami are making Her Birthday Cake.

"Alicia is going to be so surprised!" Said Dora and We both Smiled and-

"Oh Yes, She will, Prima" I Said and We both giggled.

Alicia's POV:

I finished Breakfast and I was just sitting on My computer and I sigh of Boredom and-

"Hey Click, You literally have no idea How boring this is, Especially on My Birthday" I Said and-

"Right because I literally know nothing about doing nothing" Said Click and-

"At least, I have You to talk to" I Said and-

"I'm always here to talk to, That's What I am here for" Said Click and I smiled. I was about to go back the computer, I heard My watch beeps and-

"Diego?" I Asked

"Hey Licy, We have a mission for You, You need to go over to Fora's House, It's an emergency!"

And Just like that, Diego hang Up, I quickly got Up, I grabbed My Bag with a lot of Stuff that everything I need, I have My Rescue Rope and than I ran out of The Science Staff and I started to Run Towards Dora's House. Once I arrived at Dora's House, I saw-

"What The...?" I Asked to Myself and than I saw Streamers and Balloons was all tied Up to The Fence.

"Okay...Creepy...a little..." I Said and I slowly walked towards The Door and Once I slowly open The door, I turn The Lights on and-

"SURPISE!" My Whole Family Yelled and I screamed and than I saw that Diego was running over to Me and Je was wearing a Purple Party Hat and than He hugged Me tightly and He put another Party hat on My head and-

"IT'S YOUR SPECIAL DAY! YAY!" Diego Yelled and I laughed and than-

"So, This is what You guys been doing This entire Time" I Said and-

"Yes!" Said Everyone and-

"What do You think We were doing?" Asked Mami

"You said, You guys are on a Rescue Mission" I Said and-

"And Since When did I call You on a Rescue Mission?" Asked Diego and-

"Yeah and I was Like: What The heck are You even thinking?!" I Asked and Diego laughed.

"We love You so much, Licy!" Said Diego and He kissed Me on My cheek and I giggled and than I saw that Luca was crawling over to Me and She had a Flower in Her Tiny Hand, So I picked Her and Luca gave Me a Purple Flower and I smiled and I kissed Luca on Her Forehead and-

"Happy Birthday Alicia!" Both of My Parents yelled and Papi picked Me Up and I laughed.

"I love You guys" I Said and My 11th Birthday Party had just started.

(The End)

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