"Cover Up The Wounds" (Diego and The rest of The Family)

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Diego's POV:

I finally arrived at Home and I can take a breath again, Finally Home, I just came back from a Rescue Mission, I looked at all of My injuries that I got from The Mission, I hissed in pain Once I moved My arm.

I had Scratchs, Bruises and Cuts all over My Arms and Legs, Some of Them are new and Some of Them are old, But They are pretty bad either if Old and New, This has been going on for the past week or two.

I looked Up and I realized that I was the only one who is Home at the moment, Mi Familia must be on a Rescue Mission again, Well...At least That is good because They don't have to see Me now.

Anyways, I went into The Bathroom and I found The Medical Kit and I started to treat all of My Bruises, Cuts and Scratches, I looked Up and I realized that My Mami's Makeup Bag was out, I guess She forgot to put it away or something.

I went through it and I saw The Concealer, After Treating My Wounds, I started to use The Concealer on My wounds to cover Them Up, Just to remind You all that...

I've been doing This for The past 2 years ago, Sure It is a dangerous job for Me, Because I am still a child but I always wanted to become An Animal Rescuer ever since I was so little, So I have to prepare for The Challenges that I have to face.

I finally covering The wounds Up by using Concealer and I looked at Myself in The Mirror and...I hope I can keep This Up.


(One Week Later)

It's been a week and No one found out of what I was doing with My Wounds and I was covering Them all Up. Anyways, I finished another Rescue Mission but This time, I had to rescue an animal on a mountain with a lot of huge Rocks and Boulders.

I heard something rumbling, I turn My Head and My eyes wide open and I saw that There was a rockslide coming right towards Me, I tried getting out of The way but than I ended Up tripping and I started to roll down The Mountain uncontrollably.

I ended Up falling into The River and It flashed before My eyes, The next thing I know, I was in The Water, While I was in The Water, I saw A River Dolphin and He swim over to Me.

I climb on His Back and He brought Me back Up to Surface, I finally can breath again, The River Dolphin gently nuzzled His Beak on My Nose and Started to swim away.

I looked down in The Water and I saw that The Concealer was coming off of Me and revealing all of My Scratches, Cuts and Bruises, I had so many of Them and Too many to even count at all, Some of Animals that were near by, Stand in Horror, They looked worried sick about Me.

I looked down at The Reflection of The water and I looked at Myself, I honestly look like I was beating up by a baseball Bat.


(Skip Time)

Nico's POV:

Me and Everyone in The Family: Me, My Wife Sabrina, My Children, My Brother Cole, His Wife Elena, My Nieces and Nephew, My Mother and My Father-In-Law was all relaxing in The Living room, My Youngest Child, Luca was sitting on My Lap while playing with My Tie which I gave Her.

I heard The Front door open and I heard some footsteps, I realized that Diego was the only one who was not in The living room, I also heard some footsteps.

If One Thing I know about My own Son, I know His Own Footsteps and I know He is the only one who is not there, I put Luca down and I stand Up.


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