Luca's Separation Anxiety

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Diego's POV:

Today, Me and Mi Familia are hanging out together in Dora's House and than Luca has been a little clingy towards Me, Alicia and Both My Parents which She doesn't do that much, But Today, She decided to do it today and-

"May I please hold Luca for a new minutes because I want to get to know about My new little Sobrina" Said Tía and Mami put Luca in Tía's House and Tía smiled.

"Hello There, Querida, I'm Your new Auntie and I'm going to be The best Tía that You'll have" Said Tía and-

"And I'll be The best Uncle that You'll ever have-" Said Tío but-

"Cole, This is a Auntie and Niece moment, So Not now" Said Tía and Tío rolled His eyes and He walked over to The Twins and Me, Alicia and Dora started to giggled and than Mami walked over to Papi and-

"Anyways Luca- L-Luca?" Asked Tía and than I noticed that Luca was looking around and She had a worried look on Her face and than She started to cry and-

"What's The Matter, Honey?" Asked Tía and-

(Luca's sign language: Mama, Papa)

After Luca sign "Mama" and "Papa" Luca continued to cry but Squeaking and than Mami walked over to Luca and Mami picked Up Luca and Luca stopped crying a little and-

"I wonder what was that about?" Asked Tía and-

"Well Luca is sometimes She's a little clingy because Whenever She's in Someone's arms that She never met or She only met once than If She doesn't See Me, Nico or Her Siblings than She'll get scared and than She'll started to cry" Said Mami and-

"Aww" Said Tía and-

"Woah, Luca live with You guys for about a week and She's already clingy" Said Tío and-

"Hush Cole!" Said Tía and Tío rolled His eyes and-

"Anyways, I'm going to go and make Luca Her Bottle, Nico, Can You please hold Luca for Me?" Asked Mami and-

"Okay" Said Papi and Mami put Luca in Papi's arms and Mami booed Luca's nose and She walked into The kitchen and than I saw that Papi walked over to Me with Luca in His arms and He sit down next to Me but than Luca started to cry a little and-

"What's The Matter, Niñera?" Asked Papi and-

(Luca's Sign Language: Sorry, Sorry)

"Lulu, There's nothing to be sorry about, We all go through This when It comes to being clingy" Said Papi and-

"And Diego was so clingy to Mami a little when He was a Baby" Said Alicia and I sigh and tha I saw that Luca was crawling out of Papi's arms and She started to crawl over into My arms and than I hold Her and Luca was playing with My Red Hoodie and-

"La leche está lista" Said Mami and She walked over to Us with Luca's Bottle and than She put The Bottle down and Mami gently took Luca but Luca was holding onto Me and My Hoodie tight and Both Alicia and Dora started to laugh and-

"What have You done to Luca, Diego?" Asked Dora and I sigh and-

"All I did was just being a good big brother to Luca and-" I Said but-

"And One of People in Her new life decided to spoil Her a little" Said Alicia and-

"Papi told Me to do it and I kinda wanted to do it anyway" I Said and Papi looked at Me with a shocking look on His face and I started to giggle and Mami gave Luca Her Bottle and Luca started to hold Her Bottle and She started to drink Her bottle and-

"Luca can be clingy now and than but She doesn't really be clingy unless, She is around new People" Said Mami and I nodded My head and-

"Who is This little Querida?" Asked-

"abuela!" Me, Dora and Alicia Said and-

"Hola mamá!" Said Both Papi and Tío and-

"Mamá, quiero que conozcas a tu nueva nieta, su nombre es Luca" Said Papi

(Translation: Mom, I want you to meet your new granddaughter, her name is Luca)

Once Abuela saw Luca, She smiled.

"Oh Dios mío, ella es adorable!" Said Abuela

(Translation: Oh my gosh she's adorable)

"May I hold Her?" Asked Abuela and I looked at Mami and She nodded Her head. Once Abuela was trying to hold Luca, Luca was holding onto My Hoodie and-

"You can't be that clingy towards Diego, I mean Diego's Clingy was so much worst than Luca's Clingy" Said Alicia and-

"Um Diego is sitting right next to You, Licy" I Said and-

"Hold on, I'm not finished Yet! First of All, Little Brother of Mine, Everyone in the whole Family knows that You are a Mama's Boy" Said Alicia and-

"And Everyone knows that You're a Daddy's Girl" I Said and Dora started to laugh.

"I am not!" Said Alicia but-

"You are too!" I Said and-

"Oh for Heaven Sakes My Babies! Listen, When Alicia turn 10 and Diego turn 8, Alicia became a Mommy's Girl and Diego became a Daddy's Boy" Said Mami and-

"But Why did it took Us all Those years?" Asked Alicia and-

"I have no idea because Maybe You guys wanted to change a little" Said Mami and-

"Both Me and Tío was The same way as You two" Said Papi and-

"Eh, Not Really, We were Mama's Boys" Said Tío and-

"And Still are Today" Said Abuela and Both Papi and Tío looked shocked and They looked at Abuela and-

"No We're not! Because We are mature adults" Said Papi but Both Mami and Tía gave Both Papi and Tío a serious look and-

"We're adults" Said Papi and I giggled and Alicia sigh.

"The Three of You guys are just as clingy as Your Fathers and Back when Elena was a Baby, She wasn't that Clingy at all" Said Abuela and-

"Well I wasn't Clingy at all when It comes to My Parents" Said Mami and-

"Why am I not surprised?" Asked Abuela and Me, Alicia and Dora started to giggled.

The end (Sorry for posting This So So late)

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