"The Lesser You eat, The Weaker You get" (Sabrina & Diego)

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TRIGGER Warning: Starvation, Bullying & Physical Abuse (If You sensitive about This, Please don't read it)



Diego's POV:

Both Me and Mami was at The Animal Rescue Service Center and I was helping Mami packing some stuff up, Nothing that important, Just Paper Work, That's All.

Mami had just finished packing all of The Paper Work and So did I and Now Mami was talking to one of The Rescuers that She is really close with, Anyways, I was pushing a Tire back with The others.

I wipe My hands on My vest because I had dirt on Them, I felt a tap on My Shoulder and-

"Hey, Idiot" Said-

Oh No! Not Him again!

I turn around and I saw That Jerk Kid...Timothy and His Two Friends, Caden and Michael.

These Three Kids are The worst, They usually bully Me because How I act like My Personal and How Nice I am.

Now, I usually don't take negativity get to Me but sometimes, I let it and I don't know why but I guess I am weak of that.

"What do You want now?" I Asked

"I noticed that You have gain a few pounds, Getting Fat already? Ha! You gotta be The worst Animal Rescuer in This World if You are gonna be Fat all of The Time" Said Timothy

His Friends laughed.

"And Your Point? You're even not an Animal Rescuer Yourself and I don't think You can be good at it at The first try because What a Jerk You are" I Said

"Hey Listen Stupid! I don't have to be! You're so pathetic and a moron! The world doesn't pay attention to You or Doesn't avoid what is around You! NO ONE CARES ABOUT YOU!" Timothy Yelled

"Screw You! I have a Family and Friends who would give up everything to Me and Love Me to death and I don't need You to keep weighing Me down!" I Said

"Oh You think You're so tuff like Your Mommy? HUH?! YOU HONESTLY THINK YOU'RE SO TUFF?!" Timothy Yelled and He pushed Me Hard to The ground.

"Let's use Him as a punching bag!" Said Caden.

Timothy, Caden and Michael started to kick and punch Me hard and I was trying to block Their attacks by shielding My face with My Arms but It wasn't really working and I ended up with a cut on My face.

After One last kick in My stomach from Timothy, He grabbed Me by My shirt and Our faces were close and-

"If You ever think You can be anything! You think wrong! You are nothing but a idiot Kid who talks to animals, save Them and Sings a little happy song about it! Well This is real life Buddy and You are gonna feel every pain that You deserve for being such an idiot!" Said Timothy

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