"Check Up Day"

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Diego's POV:

For mostly almost everyday, We usually give Animals that live in The Rainforest check ups But Today is different.

Today We are gonna be The Ones who will be getting Check Ups. I guess, It is apart of Life, Of Course When We were all babies, We used to hate going to the Doctor, But Our Doctor helped Us when We were Babies and We usually get scared of The Doctor mostly all the time.

Our Doctor, Aka. Rose who is My Mami's close Friend of Hers, She is The sweetest and The coolest. She always tell Us stories, make Us laugh and make Us feel very comfortable and Try Her hardest to let Us know to not be scared or worried.

Anyways, This is Luca's First Doctor's Appointment with Us and Luca does actually have a little fear of Needles, Honestly, When I was little, I was pretty scared of Needles too, I mean, Everyone don't like Needles.

We were about to leave and I put Luca in The Carseat, She looked at Me with fear in Her eyes.

"Aww Luca, It's okay to be scared but Don't worry, I'm gonna be with You, Okay?" I Asked

Luca had a small smile on Her face and She clapped Her heads. I chuckled and I gave Her a Kiss on Her cheek and-

"Ugh, But Mom! I don't want to go!" Said a familiar voice and I saw-

"Well Buddy, You are gonna go to The Animal Doctor anyway, Because It is Your Check Up Day" Said Mama Jaguar.

"But Mama, I don't wanna go...I don't like it..." Said Baby Jaguar

"I know You don't but remember It is Diego's Mami and Papi, So There is nothing to be afraid of" Said Mama Jaguar.

A smile was on Baby Jaguar's face.

"Hi Buddy" I Said.

Baby Jaguar looked at Me and than He smiled and He jumped into My arms

"Hi Best Friend!" Said Baby Jaguar.

"Diego, You'll look After Baby Jaguar, Right?" Asked Mama Jaguar.

"Of Course, I will" I Said.

Mama Jaguar Smiled.

"Gracias" Said Mama Jaguar and She walked into The Forest.

Both Me and Baby Jaguar looked at eachother.

"I heard that My own buddy is scared, What's buggy You, Bud?" I Asked

"I'm really don't like check up day" Said Baby Jaguar.

"You know Today, Me, Alicia, Luca and My Mami and Papi is Our Check Up Day Too" I Said

"And It's Luca's First Check Up Day and You're not The only one who is nervous and a little scared" I Said

"Really?" Asked Baby Jaguar

"Yeah, Luca is pretty nervous too, When I was little, I was a little nervous too but I realized that Everything is just fine, I can help You Both with The Check Up" I Said

Baby Jaguar smiled at Me and He jumped into My arms.

"Thanks Diego!" Said Baby Jaguar and I smiled.

"Alright, Are We all ready to go?" Asked Papi

I saw Both Mami and Papi was in Both The First Seat and Alicia sit down on The First Seat next to Luca.

"Ready?" I Asked

Baby Jaguar nodded and I smiled.


We arrived and First, Me and Mi Familia are gonna get Our Check Up First.

We got out of The Rescue Truck and We walked into The Clinic and Both Mami and Papi walked over to The Front desk and Me and Alicia walked over to The Chair and We sat down on The Chairs, I put Luca on My lap.

"So, We just wait?" Asked Baby Jaguar

We nodded Our heads.

(Skip Time)

It was time Our Check Up, We were in The Doctor's office and Our Parents went first and than After There Check Up, It was Alicia's, Than Mine and than Luca.

(Skip a little more Time)

Alicia was holding Luca while I got My Shot, It Honestly a pinch, So The last one was Luca.

The Doctor gave Luca a Check Up and Now It was time for The shot, I hold Luca's hand and Alicia was holding Luca's other hand, Luca looked at Me.

"Don't worry, It will only hurt for a sec" I Said.

The Doctor gave Luca The shot, Luca let a little Squeak and She was closing Her eyes and-

"Good Job, Being so brave, Luca" Said The Doctor.

Luca open Her eyes and She smiled at Both Me and Alicia.

"You did it!" Said Alicia.

Luca gave Alicia a High Five and I smiled.

"You're so brave just like Us" I Said and Luca clapped Her hands.

"There is only one more left that needs a Checkup back home" Said Papi

We all looked at Baby Jaguar and-

"Uh-oh...Can't I just pass on This one when We go Home?" Asked Baby Jaguar

"Buddy" I Said

"Okay Fine..." Said Baby Jaguar.


(Skip Time)

Once We got back Home, It was almost time for Baby Jaguar's checkup.

My Mami and Papi was in The Animal Rescue Center and Me, Alicia, Luca and Baby Jaguar was outside.

"If it makes it feel any better, I'll be with You while You're getting Your Checkup" I Said

Baby Jaguar smiled at Me.

"Thanks Diego" Said Baby Jaguar and He jumped in My arms and I smiled.

"Squeak! Squeak!" Luca Squeaked.

Both Me and Baby Jaguar looked at Luca and She smiled at Us and She gave Baby Jaguar a Thumbs Up and Baby Jaguar Smiled.

"You're The best Luca!" Said Baby Jaguar.

Baby Jaguar nuzzled Luca's nose and I heard purring from Baby Jaguar and I smiled.

"Hijo, Baby Jaguar, It's Time" Said Papi

"Okay Papi" I Said and Baby Jaguar looked at Me and We walked into The Rescue Center.


Alicia's POV:

Both Me and Luca passed The Ball around for about 10 minutes.

I turn My head and I saw Diego and Baby Jaguar was walking over to Us and They Both sit down next to Me.

"So?" I Asked

"He was very brave" Said Diego

"It's so cute, Your Mama and Dad said that I was the first Baby Jaguar in The whole world" Said Baby Jaguar.

Both Me and Diego smiled and I patted on Baby Jaguar's head and Luca clapped Her hands.


(The End)

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