"Buried in snow" (Nico, Sabrina and Diego)

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Diego's POV:

Today that Me and My Mami and Papi are gonna go to The Artic because There is a new Rescue There with a Family, But They only want Me, Mami and Papi but That isn't far because I have Three Sisters and It won't be fun to not bring Them along but Someone has to watch Our Rescue Center and My Sister Daisy is in College and...It is kinda too cold for Baby Luca but Maybe another day, We can bring The Whole Family along.

Anyways, Alicia Agreed to Watch Luca and Both The Animal Rescue Center and Dora and Boots are gonna come over and Help Alicia, So She isn't alone which I am happy.

Anyways, We are not that far from The New Rescue Center and All We gotta do is just take The Plane and Dressed Warm and We all should be good to go.


(Skip Time)

We finally arrived to The Artic and It was very beautiful, With The Snow covering everything and The snow was so soft, It almost looked like a comfortable blanket to sleep in.

"Are You excited, Hijo?" Papi Asked

I smiled.

"Sí! I wanna meet The Family and See Their new Rescue Center, But Maybe Next Time, We gotta take Daisy, Alicia, Luca and Maybe Dora and Boots along" I Said

"I feel The same way Buddy, This isn't kinda fair" Papi Said

"And We better hurry because There will be a storm soon and I'll won't enjoy it one bit" Mami Said

I giggled a little and We continued to walk.


(Skip Time)

We arrived at The New Rescue Center and Papi and while We are waiting, I saw a Snowflake falling down slowly and It landed on My hand and I smiled.

Snowflakes are so pretty.

I heard The Two Front Doors Open and I saw Two Adults with Two Children.

All Four of Them had Blond Hair and Blue eyes and They were all in Winter Clothes.

There was A Mother, A Father, A Girl who looked to be around My Age and A Little Girl who must be around 5.

"Hallo! Hello!" They All Said

"Hola! Hello!" We Said

"You must be The Marquez Family, Right?" The Mother Asked

"Sí, My name is Nico, This is My Wife Sabrina and Our Son Diego" Papi Said and I smiled and I wave at Them.

"Hallo! My name is Paul and This is My Wife, Marie, And These Two are Our Daughters, Wynter and Misty" Paul Said 

Both Wynter and Misty waved at Me and They Smiled.

"Would You like to come in?" Marie Asked

The Three of Us nodded Our heads and We walked in and We saw looked at Their Home/Animal Rescue Center and It was very cool.

"Would You like some Hot Coco? We have some, You Three must be freezing" Marie Said

The Parents walked into a Room and I just assumed that It was The Kitchen that They were all heading too, Now It was just Me, Wynter and Misty.

"So, How old are You?" I Asked

"I'm 8 and My sister is 5" Wynter Said and Her Little Sister smiled at Me.

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