"Ghost or Spirit, We'll shall always go after You" (Dora, Alicia & Diego)

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The Ghost Adventures of Dora, Alicia and Diego!

This isn't really gonna be a Regular Dora's Episode because I don't know how to do it but I can do it in My own style, Hopefully You all enjoy!

Love You all! ❤


No One's POV:

Today is such a beautiful day, So Beautiful that The kids had to watch TV for only a couple of minutes.

Once Alicia, Diego and Luca were watching The news and Nico walked out with His Newspaper and Sabrina with Her Cup of Coffee, They Both seen what was on TV.

'Today on the news, 4 Children have been reported missing, There last sight was in an abandoned graveyard playing, It's been over a week now and no sighs of any of the missing children have been discovered yet, The Police are still investigating"

"What a shame, Those Poor Poor Kids..." Sabrina Said looking down at Her Mug with a sad experience on Her face.

Nico looked at His Kids.

"Niños, Please do not go to any graveyard, Alright? I don't want any of You to be up on the missing Children's list" Nico Said and The Children nodded Their heads.


(Skip Time)

Time has been passed for a little bit and The Kids got dressed and ready because They wanted to go and see Their Three Little Cousins, Dora and The Twins, Guillermo and Isabella.

Anyways, They arrived and Alicia, Diego and Luca was so happy to see Their cousins again, Diego ran inside along with Alicia was holding Luca and She walked inside.

Nico's Little Brother, Cole and His Wife Elena knows about the case of the 4 missing children all over the news and They really worry for their kids about their safety because for whoever is doing this, kidnapping children just for fun, They are still out there and walking care free without putting in handcuff and go to jail for it.

The Four of Them watched as Their Children were playing together, Alicia had tickled Diego on His stomach which made Him fall to the floor, Both Diego and Dora were laughing uncontrollably.

They looked over to Their Babies, The twins Guillermo & Isabella and Luca, The Three of Them were just giggling and babbling in their own baby language, Both Cole and Nico smiled but Elena sigh and Sabrina had Her arms cross, looking down with an uneasy look on Her face.

"Why do I got a feeling that something strange is gonna happen?" Sabrina Said

"I say, We should stay with The Kids for a while and keep a good eye on Them at all times" Elena Said and They all nodded Their heads in agreement.


(Skip Time)

Keep a good eye on Them, Huh? Well that plan was pretty much ruined, You see, Both Nico and Sabrina had to go on a Midnight Rescue, They also had to bring Both Cole and Elena because of backup because This wasn't a Two Partner can handle.

All Four of Them had to deal with it, Since Alicia the oldest, She has to be the one who Watches over the younger ones, She is pretty much mature enough to be proven otherwise.

All Four of Them sneakily went outside of the house without waking any of The Children up, Got into The Rescue Truck and drove off.


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