"A family to go home too" (Adult Diego & Adult Friends X child reader)

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"A home is not a home without family"


No One's POV

You opened You're eyes to only see Yourself only to be laying in between a huge tree, You were laying on the thick and huge bark of the tree, You then started to look around and realized that You were outside.

You then looked at Yourself and You're clothes, You only had a long t-shirt that You barely fit in, You're hair was all knotted, with dirt, leaves and twigs.

You looked down at You're legs, arms, feet and hands and saw that They were all covered in either dried up or new scratches and cuts, You were also pretty dirty was well.

You looked around and saw that You must be in the jungle, but how did You get here? But mostly, where were You're parents? Since You didn't see You're parents anymore made You started to cry for You're parents.

Poor little Y/n is only 3, left alone in the jungle and had no idea where Her parents might be or how in the world did She get out here, either or, You're cries can be heard from miles away and soon, someone might able to hear You're cries.


As He was walking through the jungle peacefully, He purred softly as He was walking, He was enjoying the peaceful day until He heard a cry.

28 year old Diego Márquez was a Jaugar hybrid, along with His other friends, Juma Achebe who was also 28 and He is a lion hybrid. Shanti Sharma, who was also 28 as well and She is a tiger hybrid, Burgin Zhao, who was 28 and is a Asian golden cat hybrid and finally, Yang Jr. Li who was the youngest and is actually only 27 years old, and is a snow leopard hybrid.

Diego used His jaugar's senses to listen to the cries, it was a cry that belongs to a child, He then smelled and His eyes widened, He smelled...blood.

Immediately, the jaguar hybrid followed the smell of blood and the cries for help, and just before anyone knows, He arrived and His eyes widened once He saw a small little child crying and was covered in injuries.

The sight of seeing the child crying, all dirty and covered in injuries, He just wanted to cry of seeing this, no child should ever look or feel like this, it was just terrible to see.

The child continued to cry even if Diego was here to be Her rescue, the young 3 year old child was even more terrified once She accepted the fact that She was gonna get eaten alive.

But instead of getting eaten alive, Diego shapeshift into His human self which made the young child stopped crying a little, She then started to sniffle.

"Hola, are You alright? I am not gonna hurt You," Diego explained softly. Both Diego and the little girl shared eye contact, before Diego gently picked the little girl and held Her in His arms.

Diego just stared at the injuries, it was hard to not look away because the injuries were just so horrific, Diego had to held Himself from crying.

"Are You alright?" Diego asked again.

The little girl shook Her head "no".

"What is You're name?" Diego asked softly.

"Y/n..." Y/n said softly. Diego softly smiled at the young 3 year old.

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