Chapter 1

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An alarm blares next to the teen as the groggily turns off her phone's alarm. The teen climbs off her bed and lazily started to prepare for school. In front of the mirror, the girl stared back at her reflection, her shoulder length bright brown locks slightly wavy paired with soft blue eyes and fair skin clad in the Morinomiya Academy middle school uniform.

She checks the time, she still had enough time before school starts, might as well cook herself breakfast and lunch. She exits her room, navigating through the lone apartment, and went to cook herself breakfast and a bento for lunch. After eating, she packs her lunch, fixes her bag, and leaves the apartment to start the new day.

Yep, Hatogai Yuna, it's time to start a new day!

Ever since her mother was admitted to a mental institute, her father took custody over her and let her continue studying in Japan. She was allowed to live alone in a new apartment and her father pays all of her bills too in exchange of maintaining the academic scholarship she has in school. She liked her life better now, she was happily enjoying her high school life and doing everything at her best.

Yuna turns a corner and spots her dark-haired best friend Kamitani Hayato waiting for her at their meeting place. They walk to school together and they go to the same club, they were always together to the point that there were rumors of them dating. 

Of course, our dear Yuna wasn't into gossiping and ignore these rumors while our boy Kamitani is just as detached with these matters.

"You're early today." Yuna mused, it was usually her who waits for him since his little brother would hold him back. "The brat went out first with the old hag." He gruffly replied. 

She simply shook her head, "Kamitani-sensei is not a hag, and Taka is cute too." She retorted while Hayato rolled his eyes, "You say that because you don't live with them." He stated as they started to walk to school. 

Yuna laughed at the statement and playfully bumped shoulders with him, "Don't be mean." She drawled out while her friend bumped her back.

Since they were in different classes, Yuna waved goodbye to her best friend and entered her classroom, Class 3-A. She sits down on her designated seat, setting her bag down before turning to her quiet seatmate, "Good morning Nezu!" she greeted with a chirp. Nezu Chuukichi smiled back, "Good morning Hatogai." He greeted back.

They have been seatmates since 1st year and had projects together, so there would be times when Yuna would be studying in Nezu's house and she ended up getting to know his younger siblings. They weren't as close to each other as how they are with their own best friends, but they can be considered as close friends who help each other out.

"Good morning Hatogai!" Yagi Tomoya greeted as well with a few of the girls fawning over him. Yuna smiled through her sweatdrop, "Good morning to you too Yagi." She returned the greeting. 

She knew Yagi through Nezu, and when the three of them were at Nezu's place, the younger siblings Suekichi and Kichi would hide behind her to save themselves from Yagi's strange need to poke younger kids' cheeks and his nosebleeds.

Hatogai found the whole thing weird, especially from a known popular kid in school who people thinks he is almost flawless but decided to not question it and accept the pretty boy.

"You guys, class is about to start. Stop your chatter." A stern voice scolded as the trio plus the small horde of girls turned to the top student Inomata Maria. "Ah right, We're sorry Inomata." Yuna apologized as everyone went back to their seats. Inomata was a studious and righteous girl to the point that it was like she was a total killjoy.

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