Chapter 15

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Yuna was lazily lounging in her apartment couch, sniffling over the latest drama she was watching. "Stupid Manami! Why would you go for Tatsuya when Akio has been there for you the entire time and even waited for you for years! Shame! Shame on you!" Yuna cried out as she exclaimed at her tv.

The drama she was watching was about a diplomat who returned to Japan with a fiancé and had met up again with her childhood sweetheart. And from how the plot was going, the childhood sweethearts will just stay as childhood friends at this point, no matter how much they still love each other.

"I have to applaud Mamizuka-san for his role as Akio though, I was swept away by his acting." She sniffled out, noting mentally to rant to the actor if he visits the daycare room. She took a few more tissues to blow her nose and wipe her tears.

Her phone rung and she saw the caller ID was Hayato, huh why was he calling? She answered the call anyway, "Hello Hayato?" her voice though was hoarse due to crying so much.

"The hell is wrong with your voice?" Hayato pointed out rather than greeting her as well. "Cried because of a drama. Anyway, what's the call for?" she asked.

"There's a festival later, want to come with me? Though Taka, Kashima, and Kotarou will be there too." Hayato asked her and she could hear Taka yelling in the background. She lets out a smile, "Sure, a festival sounds fun compared to crying for a drama." She humored. They end the call after confirming the meet-up's time and place.

"Should I dress up...?" Yuna wondered as she stood up. She had time before the festival, she could at least try dressing up for the small event. "I think I have a kimono to wear..." she mused, walking to her room.

She looked through her closet and indeed there was a kimono safely stashed there. If she recalled correctly, Alisa bought it for her when they went to Kyoto together as mother-daughter bonding.

"Well, might as well since it fits the occasion." Yuna chirped as she started to prepare herself.


Yuna walked through the festival stalls, scanning through the crowd. "The festival sure is lively." She commented, looking at the bright lantern lights and radiant atmosphere.

She turned to a shooting stall and lets out an amused smile. "Sir, may I please try the game?" she asked with a perfect smile adorning her face.

"Of course young miss!" the stall owner said, handing her the toy rifle. She eyed the targets before glancing at the stuff toy awards. "Thank you Sir!" she chirped. She was going to raid the stall.

"That idiot never learns. Maybe I should give him a whack on the head first." Hayato said with a dark face, looking at Taka dragging Kotarou as he ran away into the festival, as Kashima of course told him not to.

"Anyway, have you seen Yuna?" Hayato asked as Kashima tilted his head, "Hatogai-san's here?" he asked. Hayato nodded. "She should be, but she's late. Knowing her, she must have been distracted." He grumbled under his breath.

"You know me so well as usual, Hayato!" a voice chirped as the two guys turned to Yuna with the two kids. "Also please keep an eye on them, they bumped into a few people a while ago." She said, as the little brothers reunited with their big brothers.

"Right, sorry Hatogai-san." Kashima apologized while Hayato stared at her. "Seriously, what's with you guys dressing up?" he asked exasperatedly.

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