Chapter 5

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"Eh? What is this?" Yuna asked, blinking at the Class C boys outside for PE in t-shirts and shorts. Is their PE teacher torturing them? It was cold in the mornings after all. "Hatogai-san? What brings you here?" Kashima asked, turning to the girl.

She was clad in a cozy jacket over her uniform, so she looked warm compared to the others. "Ah, I had to submit a few papers to sensei, moreover, aren't you guys cold?" she asked in concern.

"Yeah, I'm freezing to death." Hayato plainly answered, despite looking calm. "Then act cold! What are you, a cyborg?!" a classmate of theirs exclaimed at him.

"That's no good Hayato, give me a minute." Yuna chided as she exhales hot air into her palms before cupping his face. "Yeah, you weren't joking about freezing..." she sweatdropped as her warm hands made Hayato's face flush. "Yeah, keep your hands there, it's warm." He told her, who nodded enthusiastically.

"A girl- the Hatogai Yuna- helping you warm up-!!"

As the boys screamed in envy in the background, Kashima turned to Usaida with the kids in a small pulling cart. "What are you doing here?" Kashima asked as Usaida answered that they were taking a walk, before letting the kids out of the cart.

The kids make a beeline to hugging Kashima, who felt warm at their hugs. They were asking him to play with them, but Kashima smiled their way apologetically, "Sorry. I'd like to, but I have class." He rejected.

"Yuna-nee!" Taka then called, climbing off of Kashima and clinging on her leg. Yuna smiled, setting one hand down to pat his head while Hayato cupped his hand over hers to keep the warmth in place. He didn't want her warm hand to leave him, and to also have his hand become warm is a plus.

As Hayato internally ignored the jealous screams smugly, Yuna and Taka turned to Usaida, who called the kids animals because they tend to wander off whenever they go on walks, Taka exclaiming at the adult, "We're not animals! Stupid Usaida!" he glared at the man. Yuna sighed as the kids got noisier, calling Usaida an idiot.

"Then how about this? You little brats can get kidnapped by some weird old man, locked up in a dark place where no one will hear you scream, and then get gobbled up whole!" Usaida threatened them, who all became scared in tears.

"Usaida-san, you're frightening them." Yuna sighed once more before turning to the kids, "But he's right. There are scary people out there so don't go near strangers, okay?" she told the children, who energetically raised their hands, "Okay~!" they chorused.

Usaida turned to the Class C boys, teasing their clothes and their current situation, thus leading them to chase the little kids, referred as 'natural heat packs', to stay warm.

Yuna sighed at the chaos, "I'd appreciate if they don't scare the kids away." She stated as Hayato hummed in agreement, leaning his cheek on her palm. As Yuna turned away to look at the kids, Hayato gave a side glare at the boys who wanted to go to Yuna as a way of getting warm. Of course, they back away.

"Nii-chan! Yuna-nee! Help!" Taka wailed as Yuna gave a sheepish smile and gingerly picks up the crying boy into her arms, balancing him in an arm as her other hand returned to Hayato's face.

'She sure knows how to handle the Kamitani brothers.' Usaida thought in pure amusement before turning to the boys who wanted to get Kirin, who was hiding behind his leg. Kashima was holding the two guys' collars, restraining them from taking Kirin, who was obviously terrified of them.

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