Chapter 19

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"Hey Hatogai, not to be rude, but why aren't you with Kamitani?" a senpai in the baseball club asked. Indeed, Yuna was present in Baseball Practice without Hayato for the first time in a long time.

With the mention of his name, Yuna reveals an ugly scowl, "I'm not in the mood to handle him right now. I'm sorry Senpai." She stated coldly.

This made a majority of the team sweatdrop. Eh? Are they fighting?

"Did something happen between you two?" the Captain asked in worry. Hayato and Yuna knew each other really well and never pushed each other's limits, so what happened to cause such a rift?

Yuna lets out a sheepish smile, "Don't worry Captain, everything will be fine eventually. I just need to cool my head and ignore Hayato." She said as she picked up the towels she had to wash and walked off.

"We may tease Kamitani and Hatogai a lot about always being together, but now that they're apart and not getting along, I'm worried for them and want them back to usual." Their captain sighed as the rest of the members nodded. They won't pry but they hope they fix up whatever they're fighting about.

As Yuna washed the towels, her mind drifted off to her and Hayato's fight. She lets out a sigh, not really in the mood to even smile. 'Why can't Hayato understand?' she thought as she shook her head, it'd be best to not even think about it.

What actually happened? Well...


Yuna and Hayato were walking home from club yesterday when they overheard a group of girls gossiping. The two exchanged glances and moved to walk on and ignore the chatter. They never cared about what people said about them behind their backs.

"It's Hatogai with Kamitani... Ah Kamitani still looks so hot."
"Hatogai's always with him though..."
"You think they're dating?"
"I heard rumors, but we really don't know."
"That's true, they're people who're unbothered by gossip about themselves."

Ah, the usual gossip about them dating. But that shifts when one girl scoffed loudly.

"I just think Hatogai's just a two-faced skank. Acting all nice but in reality is just surrounding herself with men. Jeez what an attention-seeker!" at the girl's words, the others started mumbling as well.

"Well, other than Kamitani, there's Kashima-"
"I doubt about Kashima, but she's also close to Nezu and Yagi!"
"No way! That's so unfair! Two of the hottest guys in our grade!"
"She and Yagi walk together at times, I've seen them laughing together as they walk!"
"I heard she visits the Nezu household a lot, you think it's not Kamitani but it's Nezu who she's dating?"
"Then why is she always with Kamitani?"
"What kind and gentle Hatogai? She's just some two-faced vain pretty girl who loves stealing attention."

Yuna tugged on Hayato's sleeve, seeing him take a step forward towards the girls scoffing and laughing as they gossip. "Hayato, don't waste your time and let's go." She said as she pulled him to walking.

Hayato sighed and followed suit, glaring at the group before turning to the calm girl.

They shared silence as they walked before Hayato decided to cut straight to the point. "Why aren't you mad? They insulted you." He asked her.

Yuna raised a brow, "I don't really care about what they say, they're girls from Class D, a class I don't interact with. They're bound to have a wrong image about me." She stated in a factual tone.

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