Chapter 7

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"You useless child! You are just like your bastard of a father! You will leave the people who matters most in life and hurt everyone around you!" a shrilled female voice screamed as she felt another slap across her face. The older female had no mercy and venom laced each word she exclaimed.

The girl fell down to the floor as the older woman kicked her stomach, "I can't believe that teacher called you a blessing! Pah- you're just a curse to me!" she shouted as she held up a beer bottle and started to trudge away to the door.

She turned to the girl one last time, a pair of cold blue eyes glaring at her, "Just like falling in love with him, I regret giving birth to you and having you both in my life." She icily said before leaving the room.

The little girl felt tears finally fall from her own blue eyes, nothing hurts more than those words uttered to her, as if she were the most vile and disgusting thing in the world.

At that moment, she felt the world grow colder and darker...


The next moment she opened her eyes, she saw the ceiling and the sun rays brightening the room.

It was a day-off from school and at this moment, Hatogai Yuna just binge-watching a whole drama last night 'til early morning and overslept in her apartment bedroom. "That dream again..." she mumbled as she forced herself to sit up. That dream was a part of her childhood, a past that was imprinted on her no matter how many times she wanted to forget.

Lost in her thoughts, she heard a ring from the nightstand and she drowsily took her phone and answered the call. "Good morning, who is this?" she asked as the person on the other side sighed at her.

"Hatogai, it's already noon, and it's Nezu." Chuukichi stated as Yuna lets out a nervous laugh. "Sorry, I overslept. Moreover, why did you call? Did you need something?" she asked her friend.

"Yeah, I have work to do but Suekichi and Kichi wants to play football. I was supposed to ask Tomoya but they said no. Do you want to look after them instead?" Nezu asked for the favor.

Yuna smiled, "I'd be happy to spend time with them! I'll be there soon, give me 20 minutes to prepare." She said as they bid their farewells. Yuna stood up and hurriedly prepared for the football hang out with the Nezu twins.

Yuna adored Nezu's younger siblings, she rarely met the older one, but she always saw the twins and the youngest daughter Kyouko. Since she used to play football, she immediately got the favor of the twins, who always asked to play with her while Kyouko was always happy to have a girl play with her.


Yuna wore an oversized sweater over her plain gray shirt and slightly loose black pants and pulled her hair into a ponytail. She double-checked her look, then checked her small bag for bottles, towels, her wallet, and emergency kit. Seeing that everything was ready in 10 minutes, she exited her apartment and sped off to Nezu's place.

"Yuna-nee!" the Nezu twins exclaimed as Yuna entered the Nezu family's humble abode. "Why are you here?" Kichi asked as Suekichi nodded his head.

Yuna smiled, "You're brother called me here to look after you two since you guys wanted to go out to play." She smiled as the boys grinned excitedly. "Please play with us Yuna-nee!" Suekichi asked as Kichi furiously nodded, both of them radiating energy.

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