Chapter 3

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Yuna deadpanned, looking at Hayato carrying a crying Taka, "What happened this time?" she asked them. "Yu-Yuna-nee! Nii-chan hates me! He's not my big brother anymore!" Taka wailed as Yuna lets out a sigh. She takes Taka from Hayato to calm down the boy from his crying before turning to Hayato for an actual explanation.

When Hayato explained it from the beginning, starting with Taka upsetting Kotarou for not going seeing a real tiger to the whole 'I don't really like or hate you' thing, Yuna sighed at them once more.

"The one day I decided to not accompany you to the daycare, you two get in a disagreement." She said as they started to walk home together. Yuna stayed behind to talk to the coach and captain about the team after all, so she thought she could let Hayato take Taka by himself.

They arrive at their usual intersection where they part as Yuna gave Taka back, or rather tried to anyway. Taka started crying again, "I don' wanna go with him! He's not my big brother!" he cried out as Yuna helplessly smiled at the boy, "Taka..." she said, unsure about this.

Hayato lets out a frown and literally takes his brother out of her grasps, "Don't trouble Yuna." He scolded as he started to carry the crying boy again. Hayato turned to the girl, "We'll be going now, see you Yuna." He said as Yuna waved bye-bye at the two.


Weekend comes and Kashima turned to Hayato and Yuna with Taka being carried by Hayato. Hayato was in his baseball uniform as he carried a wailing Taka while Yuna was in casual clothing, a turtleneck long sleeve sweater-shirt loosely tucked in a free-flowing skirt paired with black stockings.

"Hatogai-san, Kamitani... your club's practicing today?" Kashima asked as Kamitani nodded, ignoring Taka's tantrum. "Yeah, and my mom's got stuff to do." He replied as he puts down the boy. "Hayato called me about it and I got permission to skip practice today to look after Taka." Yuna then said.

As Kashima nodded, Kamitani turned to Yuna, "Sorry to dump him on you on your day off. I'd planned to skip practice and come with you, but..." he trailed off as Taka told him to not follow them at all. "It's fine, I don't mind watching over Taka, just watch over the team for me too, okay?" Yuna replied as he stoically nodded.

"Are you two still fighting? Just tell him you really do like him already!" Kashima whispered to Hayato. "But I don't especially like him." The guy said without skipping a beat, terribly striking right at Taka's heart.

Taka takes Kotarou's hand and started to run away, "Let's go, Kotarou!" he shouted as Kashima fretted over them and Yuna sighed. Those two brothers are stubborn alright. As Kashima ran to the two, Hayato called out to his brother, "Taka, don't cause trouble for Yuna, Kashima, and Kotarou!" he exclaimed before turning to Yuna, who tilted her head at him.

"I'll leave him to you... and you be safe too." Hayato softly said as he lightly ruffled her hair before leaving. Yuna waved at the boy before touching the spot he ruffled in thought.

"Awh, is Yuna-chan thinking about Hayato already?" Usaida obviously teased. At those words, Yuna flushed red but lets out a sigh, "Is there a problem with sorting my thoughts?" she asked, trying to avoid the topic. Usaida lets out a smirk as she walked away to stay with Taka.


The little field trip group arrived in Masano Zoo, everyone touring the place to see the different animals. The kids stayed together, looking at the animals together, likewise, Yuna stayed next to Kashima and Usaida.

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