Chapter 9: That Girl

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"Let me retouch your make up."

I took a deep breath as my stylist retouch my make up. It's the D-Day and everyone in the company is as excited as me. I'm gonna release my first album and even my label mates are curious and excited to listen to it.

"2 minites, Rosé stand by and relax!" The director said.

Everyone leave the set as i wait for the signal.

"And... one!"

"Hi everyone! The rarest Rose in the world, i'm Rosé." I greeted with a wide smile.

"Wow, it's been a while since i said that..but i'm here in front of your screens back with a new music!"

I started talking about my album by giving them spoilers through a 54 cards with my photos on it. I able to release a full album with 12 songs. And all of them are my composition. Some experts had a touch of it tho.

My face lits up when i saw Lisa arrives with a boquet on her hand. She was assisted by my manager. Our eyes locked and she waved her hand. I wanted to do the same but i'm in front of the camera.

"We really had a hard time choosing the title track but after some debate and justification, That Girl won. We made sure every detail has been given much attention and perfection. Check out the MV filming!"

After the director play the MV Filming, i run to my bestfriend.


"Congratulations, Chaeyoung!" She gave me the boquet and hugged me.

"Thank you for coming, Lis. You don't know how much your presence give me confidence."

"Cm'on, enjoy and finish that live and you have me for the weekend." She replied.

"Really?!" I jumped in joy and would hug her but the director calls me again.

"Let me finish, okay?"

"Mmm! Fighting!"

I went back to the couch and continue the live.

"We prepared much for the music videos. And for the treat to my fans, we have another music video coming up next week!" I shared excitedly and the team rejoice too.

"My album is called Rosé, and my title track is That Girl. It's a 4-minute track comprising my vocals and borrowing my bestfriend's talent. That Girl is about a girl whom battling with a lot of her head, in this world and..everything." i explained.

"And when the chorus comes, the girl is finally becoming whom she wants to be even when people around her says she can't and even when her mind tells no."

"The rap is the girl's thoughts while the vocals is the girl's heart. It was an amazing chorus for me." I added.

"Fun fact, this is the shortest we could come up to this song because originally, this song is 16 minutes track. I couldn't believe i would written that long but with the help of my team, we shortened it."

"My second single in the album is titled Take care which is like the an advice to my first single here."

"Take care is my first solo produced song. And it really makes me happy that YG trust me for a song. So the song is about mental health. It's about learning how to stop trying to fix yourself and start taking of yourself. It means rewiring what you have until your everyday life isn't something you need therapy to recover from. It's no longer choosing a life that looks good but a life that feels good. It is being honest even if you are not universality liked. It is meeting your own needs so you aren't anxious and dependent on others."

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