chapter 29: gonna be okay

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"Hi, Lisa! How are you?" A fan asked.

"I'm pretty good. Thank you." I answered smiling.

She gave me her album and i signed them.

"Uhm..i haven't seen you with Rosé. Are you still hanging out?" She asked.

I mentally sighed for the nth question i've got since i started the fan meet. I'm here in a Mall for the fan meet event.

A hundred and fifty were given the chance to have a meet and greet with me but there are the ones who decided to be by standers and kept cheering for my name which i give some attention every now and then.

"We preferred to keep our friendship private. And we hang out once in a while since we are both busy." I replied.

"Thank you, Lisa. You announced in your Twitter that you are not accepting gifts so here's my humble letter for you." She gave me a small envelope.

"I will read this. Thank you so much." I shook hands with her.

She went down and another fan came in who was jumping up and down in excitement.

"Hi! Your name?" I asked.

"I'm Seojun and been a fan even before you established LM and became part of Rosé's music."

"Really? How?" I conversed.

"I'm a business major and the first time i saw your face was when you were introduced by the MI. Since then, i tried searching for you and luckily found you because of Rosé. And when you showed the world that you are not just a top notch lawyer, i fell deeper and wanting to be like you. Super talented, super gorgeous and super amazing person."

I blushed by her compliment. "Thank you."

"Will there be a chance to see you perform on stage like concert? Lilies, your fans are sad that you only got 3 music shows and few interviews."

"I'm sorry about the short promotions. We are actually preparing a stage. Not really a concert but i'm gonna perform my songs."

"For real?!" She shouted.

I shush her. "That's a secret. Don't let my staffs knows or they gonna scold me for spoiling the event."

She giggled. "Okay! But is it open for everyone?"

"Yes. We are actually planning for a livestream. We are still on the planning part."

"I'm excited. Thank you, Lisa!"

I smiles.

"Thank you for being here." I replied.

"Before i left, here's a an envelope. It's kinda thick because we really tried hard to put all your achievements from debut album."

"Oh that's really nice. I'll check this. Thank you."

The event continues and finished at 3PM. I stopped by to a restaurant for a late lunch then headed home with all the letters i received.
The Private stage happens. I performed and chat with my fans. I did answer some questions in between songs. I also played games with them. It's an interactive one. The fans are those who won from an event my staffs organized. There's a livestream on our Youtube Channel.

"This is the last song." I stated and everyone groan in sadness.

"Not to worry, i will be performing in the Family Concert. Watch out for that." I winked and they rejoiced.

A staff pushed a piano and i sat there in front.

"This song is an advice for myself. I made this song for myself coz most of the times, i really gave up and i seek approval of other's opinions." I pressed the keys while thinking of the past. "I've been learning not to focus on people and be an optimistic person. So if anyone being harsh on yourself, this song is also for you."

Don't listen to the voice inside your head

You're doing just fine, you're trying your best

If no one ever told you, it's all gonna be okay

We're just people never sleeping over stupid shit

We won't remember in the morning, yeah, we're gonna forget

If no one ever told you, it's all gonna be okay

I blinked trying hard not cry. I smiled at the silent crowd who seems to sink in the song.

'Are you listening, Rosie?'

'Please know that  i'm trying hard.'

When you lose faith in everything you ever knew

Don't give up on you

'I wish you were here with me.'

When life gets overwhelming

Relying on yourself is hard to do

But don't give up on you, no

If you've been lost and lonely

Ashamed to be alone with only you

With no one left to lose

If it's the last thing that you do

Don't give up on you

I made the song short as i couldn't help but tear myself to cry.

I wipe my tears and stood up.

"Why are you crying? Please don't cry." I chuckled upon seeing some of them wipe their tears away too.

"So..uhm, thank you for being here with me. For dancing with me. For singing with me. For playing with me. And for crying with me. Better days are coming, let's not give up. Everything will be okay."

"I also would like to say my gratitude to my hardworking team for making this possible. And to all the fans watching through livestream, thank you so much. I know some of you don't understand what we were saying but my team will post this private stage with your respective languages. Thank you." I bowed down at them.

My title track, LALISA played. I went to the crowd and sing with them as i posed for selcas or handshake with them or jam with them.

Another day passed and it was well spent.


Filler chapter, i guess.

The song used is Gonna be okay by Brent Morgan.

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Will edit this story once finished.


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