* Chapter Thirty-Six *

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[Tommys POV]

I was trapped inside the darkness, I could do nothing and go nowhere. I tried to lift my arms so i could see something other than darkness but nothing was there. I felt like crying but I knew i couldn't, It was like nothing existed... I couldn't feel my body parts but i knew they had to be there somewhere, I tried hard to lift a hand until i thought i had. I punched myself in where i thought my stomach would be but nothing happened... I didn't feel anything. I tried to call for Wilbur, Quackity, Sam, Anyone! But i could hear nothing... 

Until... I heard shuffling behind me. I couldn't turn but i could hear it! I wasn't scared anymore, only happy that i could finally hear something. A purplish red colour flashed which hurt to look at... I felt something scrape what should have been my neck, it was sharp and hurt. Just after I felt it a sharp pain hit my stomach and my body appeared... but I was covered in blood and had a knife plunged into me with hands wrapped around it... When i saw what had happened i finally felt immense pain shoot through my entire body. I let out a blood curdling scream...

I shot up out of a bed with tears flooding down my face, I had just stopped screaming and Wilbur had his head placed on my side, shushing me and crying... I struggled to understand what was happening. Techno was sat on the edge of my bed and Phil was looking down at me...
"W-Wilbur..." I mumbled

"Its okay Tommy..." He whispered while looking up at me

My lip started quivering, I looked over to my oldest brother who looked worried and angry... I let out a sigh of relief. I was still alive... "W-T-Techno..." I stuttered, remembering everything that happened 

"Tommy..." He shuffled closer 

"I-I... P-Please don't l-let me d-die" I cried, all the men looked at me with shocked but heartbroken faces "I-I can't please!! PLEASE DON'T LET ME D-DIE!!" I started to panic and pushed myself backwards until i hit the wall, my vision was going dark and blurry again... 

"TOMMY!" Techno shouted as Wilbur sat next to me comfortingly... I cried and hugged into my brothers chest without closing me eyes, I never want to be in the dark again... 

"Your not leaving us Tommy its okay..." Wilbur smiled and rubbed circles into my back as i let out loud sobs. 

[Quackitys POV] 

I was out in the rain, my hair was getting wet and i was cold, but i wasn't stopping till i found Tommy... Sam and I kept bumping into each other every now and again however, he never found anything. Jschlatt couldn't be out in the rain so he stayed home with Rags in case he cam back, Tubbo and Ranboo went together, Fundy and Deo went to ask others... I felt like something bad had happened, why did it have to be Tommy? why couldn't it be me? 

While over thinking i found Sam, "Quackity?" He asked running over to me and placed his hands on my shoulders. 

"S-Sam...?" I shivered ,"Have you found anything?" 

"No... But i have an idea..." He said pushing my wet hair back so i could look at him in the eyes

"WHERE!?" I practically shouted in excitement

"exile..." He mumbled 

I nodded in agreement, It was very unlikely, why would he go to the place where he was manipulated? But it was worth looking... 

"W-We should get you a hoodie or something... Your freezing!" He said before we walked anywhere

I looked down at my chest and sighed, "N-No, I-I'm Fine, R-Right now what matters isn't m-me its T-Tommy...". Before he could say anything i grabbed his arm and dragged him, He was also cold and i could tell, he wasn't wearing the warmest clothes... I untucked my wings and ripped of the bandages so i could fluff them out, once i had finished i wrapped one around Sam and the other around me... They still hurt... a lot but it was warm. 

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