Chapter 9

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August P.O.V

I've been in sort of a depressed stage. I can't seem to function right. I haven't heard from Zenobia in a real long time. It's like she never existed. She makes sure she talks to Jordan and my mom but me... My world is un complete.

"Kissing On My Tattoos is number 1. So now are you gonna tell us who this song is truly about?" My manage Donald Albright says.

"That is non..." He cuts me off.

"It's Zenobia isn't it? She's in New York, August you messed up. Instead of worrying about her, you need to be worried about your music. Your blowing up kid. Accept the change and move on. She's been gone for 2 months now. She's doing big things. Making big bucks. Let her go." He says walking out the conference room.

I run after him and catch up. "She's in New York, so she.." I tilt my head slightly. "She took the job?" I ask.

He nods then sighs. "Yeah she did actually. She's handling her business. Just like you should be doing. You've gotta get over her August, now she's just your baby mother. If she went through all of this to get away then let her go." He says opening up the folder he's carrying and looking through the papers.

"It's not that easy. Have you ever love someone so much, have you ever felt so many things for one person at once. Have you ever, ever cared for a woman but at the same time hate her for leaving you." I lean against the glass window. "Man I went to Angels City with Trey to get away and have fun. We made a bet, 4000 dollars on if I can lay Zenobia down. Once she found out I felt like the biggest assholic dumbass in the world." I sigh and he looks up at me. "Then she takes me back, has my child and is pregnant again. I did her wrong over and over and over again. I cheated, lied, broken her heart, misguided and crumbled up her trust. I broke a strong beautiful woman and before I lose her completely I have to fix things. I have to get her back man. I just have to. This guh, is my life, along with my daughter and unborn child." I sigh again. "Her grandmother trusted me with her heart, but I can't love her the right way. I love my music man, I do trust a nigga when I say I do, I love my fans I love it all. But my family will always come first even if they came in after." I look at him. "They are first."

He looks back at me and taps the folder on his hand then grins. "Well I guess we're taking a flight to New York huh?" He asks.

I smirk then nod. "Yeah I guess we are." I say shaking his hand then walking towards the exit.

Bia P.O.V

I've been having problems with the baby. Sharp pains, chest pains, constant headaches just everyday and sometimes all day. My doctor said it is because of stress, so I'm taking pills that keep me drowsy. Even though I'm drowsy I still find a way to get my work done.

Tabloids have been blowing up. From Jordan throwing a temper tantrum at August Conference meeting, to me moving to New York. Good thing press doesn't know about me being pregnant.

After finishing everything up in the office I decided to finally, and I mean finally go and tour New York City, but then I started to have sharp pains again so looks like I'm in the hospital for a few days.

"So how are you feeling today?" The nurse asks for the 7th time in a row.

"I'm feeling great, 100% amazing. So good in fact that you can get me out of this hospital so I can get back to the office. Please and thank you." I start getting up but she places her hand on my shoulder and smiles lightly.

"Unfortunately you are going no where. Dr. Hamtin said you are to stay here until he says otherwise." She says as she starts writing on my chart.

"You know you don't have to listen to him. This is kidnap, staying here against my will. He has no right t...." I get cut off by pain in my side. I clench my teeth and groan. I grab the railing with one hand and the nurse grabs my other hand.

"Breathing exercises." She says as we both start them. She grins and rubs my stomach. "You aren't going anywhere and besides I think you should call your ex fiancé and daughter." She says.

"I've thought about calling him." I say through clench teeth.

"Yeah so what stopped you?" She asks.

"The fact that I still love him..." I say as I let out a deep breath then relax.

"After all he's done?" She asks surprised.

"After all he did. You know it's crazy, I don't even remember why I left." I say looking at her.

"Well my mother used to tell me, if you leave and don't remember why you left, there was never ever a reason to leave in the first place." She says as she places the stethoscope on my chest and starts listening to my heart.

"Yeah, well I was tired of being hurt, but I'm tired of everyone calling me stupid, saying I should leave him, that I'm better off without him..." I sigh. "I love that man, trust me girl I do.. But that man..." I take a deep breath. "That man doesn't really know what he wants or needs." I take another deep breath.

"Sounds like you guys just need therapy." She says jokingly.

"Oh no.." I laugh lightly. "Therapy just brings more problems and trust me when I say we have enough of those."

"Well work it out." She says as she smiles then walks out the room.

I look up at the ceiling and think about what she said. I turn on my side and fall asleep.

August P.O.V

After only 30 minutes, my Manager got Jordan and I on a flight to New York. After we got off the flight, I checked my watch and seen it was 9:30 pm. I figured I'd take Jordan to the Hotel, we'll crash then go see Zenobia at work tomorrow. For some reason Jordan doesn't seem tired. She's awake as ever. Looking out the window and pointing stuff out and smiling. My sweet Angel. Even if her mouth is still too advanced for her age.

"August, mom is gonna kill you." Jordan says while looking out the window of the limo.

"No she's not and since when did you start calling me August? I'm your father." I say raising my eyebrow.

"Yes, you're my father but when you have a dumb decision like this, I choose to think that I am not related to you." She says looking up at me.

"You are a very very smart girl, with a very very smart ass mouth." I say looking in her eyes. "Keep it up and sooner then later you gon know what a real ass whooping is. I've been letting you slide for far to long, you too young to have attitude and a mouth like that." I add.

"If you touch me I'm telling mommy and grandma." She mumbles as I instantly pop her in the mouth.

"Tell them I hit you in your mouth too." I say as she looks at me stunned.

"I hate you!!!" She shouts as she gets up and sobbingly crawls over to the other side of the limo.

The limo driver glances at me through the small window. I make eye contact with him, trying to figure out what the fuck is he staring at. He shakes his head slightly and continues to drive. I look down at Jordan and see her crying and playing with her fingers.

"Stop that crying guh, you don't need to be crying. You brought that upon yourself." I say checking my phone.

"I want my mom." She mumbles in a very low voice.

"What you said?" I look back up at her.

"I said I want my mom!" She yells.

I sigh then shake my head. "I do too baby girl." I mumble. She crawls over to me, sits in my lap and starts crying until she falls asleep. I kiss her forehead.

Once were at the Hotel, I get out the limo while holding Jordan. I check in then head upstairs. I lay Jordan in the bed, the bellhop brings the bags up. I get in the shower and take a 55 minute Hot Shower. Once I'm out I dry off then get dressed in track pants and a t-shirt. I see Jordan has spread out all over the bed so I crash on the couch.

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