Chapter 5

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Bia P.O.V

After viewing four apartments, I've finally found a nice place. Don't worry I'm not taking August to court for no child support, I can support my own daughter. I've already packed boxes for just myself, I'd rather Jordan stays with her dad since his house is closer to her school than mines is.

I'm moving into my place next week. I asked them to pull the carpet up and change the tiling to a light purple. I also asked them to paint the walls back to white and if I needed them or wanted them painted a different color I will do it my self.

Jordan has been giving me the silent treatment all week long. She wants to go with me but I told her she can't. The last thing I ever want her to think is that I'm leaving because of her. I love my baby, I do, I just can't be in the same house as a lying cheating nigga.

"Ok Jordan Lizzet Justice, bring ya high yella ass here before I beat it!!!" I shout from downstairs.

She comes running into the living room and plops on the couch. She looks at me then rolls her eyes and crosses her arms.

"Roll your eyes at me again and ima take them out your head. Now tell me what you said to your teacher and you better not lie to me!"

"You obviously already know so I'm going back upstairs with my dad." She says going to get up but I push her back down.

"The sass that you got right now got 2.5 seconds to disappear or ima slap your lips off your face." I say giving her the im not playing with you face.

"Well I told her that the next time she put me in red im going to make my dog eat her." She says as her dog hops on the couch and lays on her lap.

"You can't go around saying that shit Jordan, have you lost your rabbit ass mind!!" I say.

"Nope I haven't, but remember I'm not the one leaving us, you are." She says as she pushes her dog off her lap and gets up. "Let's go Snowie." She says as it gets up and follows her.

I plop on the couch and sigh. August comes downstairs and looks at me then hands me his phone.

"What you giving me that for?" I ask him.

"It's the hospital calling on behalf of your grandma." He says. "They couldn't reach you so they called me." He adds as I snatch the phone from him.

*Phone Convo*

"Hello.." I say.

"Yes this is Dr. Jacoubson at Angels City medical center. Is this Zenobia Justice?"

"Yes this is she.. Is my grandmother ok?" I say standing up and walking out the room so August won't hear.

"Well that's why I'm calling, well there's no easy way to say this, your grandmother has been battling Cancer for awhile. She never really wanted to tell you. She was admitted here for awhile and late last night she took her last breath. She wanted me to tell you she's sorry and she loves you...." I cut him off.

"No no no no..." I start crying hysterically. "She.. She I just spoke to her last week... She she said she was fine... She sounded fine... I was supposed to come up this weekend." I begin to drop down to the floor but August rushes in and catches me and holds me while we both drop down.

"Zenobia. I am sorry for your lost, I truly am, she has a letter here for you to read, she said that she wanted to be buried by her daughter.. Your mother." He says and I throw the phone and it breaks.

I bury my face in August chest and continue to cry hysterically. I start hitting him and he slowly rocks me back and forth.

"Shhh calm down Baby." He says as he continues to rock me.

"How....come... How.... come she....didn't.... tell" I say in between my gasps for air.

"Because Zenobia, she didn't want you to worry about her, she wanted to make sure you was happy, make sure that I can keep you happy..." He says wiping my eyes.

I jump out his arms and away from him. I take a deep breath and looks at him. "You... Knew..?" I say as I recover from my crying session.

"Yeah I knew and..." I instantly cut him off with a slap to the face. He grabs his face and looks at me. "Girl what I tell you about putting your hands on me like that?"

"You knew she was sick... You knew dammit." I say as I run up on him and start hitting him.

He grabs my hands after a few hits and grips my wrist tight. He backs me up against the wall and looks me in my eyes. I never thought I would ever see this look again. He gave me the same look that Justin gave me the day he choked me years ago. I will never forget that look. I will never forget the fact that I almost died.

Tears instantly start falling from my eyes out of complete fear. I have pushed August, hit him, cursed him out for the last time. Right here and now I realized that August was just letting me slide.

"Stop putting your hands on me Zenobia. Especially in my face." He says.

I gulp and nod. "You gon choke me too?" I say then he realizes and backs up.

"Mommy..." Jordan mumbles.

"Hey baby girl." August says walking to her but she backs up and Snowie stands in front of her growling.

"Hey Princess, daddy and I were just talking, how about we go watch some of that animal nation." I say as I quickly walk over to her and pick her up and we go into the living room.

August grabs his keys and leaves out...

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