Chapter 2: Thief

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             (A/n: It's been about 4 years of training with Technoblade)

"You got this!" Technoblade said. You have been training with him for years. You were now 14 and you were almost better than Technoblade himself. This time, as a test, you were going to steal from L'manburg.

Technoblade had said that some person named Eret had gotten his hands on a Netherite sword. So, you were going to steal it. (A/n: I know it's not apart of the SMP and stuff, but this is my book.)

"Here," Technoblade said, and handed you a Diamond sword.

"In case you get in trouble" He said, and you rolled your eyes.

"Yeah, yeah, whatever. I'll be back soon" Y/n said. You were wearing all black and it was night time.

                                                                                      ~Dream's POV~

"Dream? What are you doing out here?" George asked and walked up to the masked man.

"Looking at L'manburg. What else would I be doing?" He said, sounding a little to harsh than intended.

"Oh, alright. Sapnap and I are gonna patrol the woods for a little bit. Are you okay with that?" George asked. George knew how scary Dream could be when he was mad, so he tried to think of an excuse to get away from Dream if he was angry.

"Yeah, do whatever, I don't care." Dream said. He hasn't even looked at George once at all during this entire conversation.

George sighed, and walked away. Dream still had his eyes fixed on L'manburg. He was about to walk away, until he saw something in the corner of his eye. He turned back to the place he had been looking at for hours on end, but saw nothing.

Maybe it was my imagination. He thought, until he saw something small and black climbing up a wall. He looked around and took off his mask. He rubbed his eyes and looked at the wall again. He wasn't imagining it, there was someone climbing the wall.

                                                                            ~Y/n POV~

Ugh, why does this rope have to be so hard to climb?  She thought. Finally, she got over the wall. She jumped down and landed on soft grass. She saw a tall man walking into a room. She had followed him and saw what you were looking for; the Netherite sword. Y/n stayed in the shadows until he walked away. After a minute or two, she grabbed the sword and put the fake sword down. Y/n walked outside, only to be met with two men.

"Hello" The first man said. She took notice that he was slowly pulling out his sword.

"Hi" Y/n said then threw an Ender Pearl at the entrance to L'manburg

"What are you-" The man started to say before you cut him off.

"Bye" Y/n said and teleported away.

                                                            ~Tommy's POV (First Person)~

Tubbo and I were patrolling the entrance to L'manburg when I heard Wilbur shout at me,

"We've got a thief!" He yelled.

Then, purple dust appeared and someone dressed in black appeared right in front of my face.

"They've got the Netherite sword!" Wilbur yelled at me again.

"Who the fuck are you?" I tried sounding as threatening as possible.

"Oh, hi. Didn't see you there. You mind letting me get past you?" The stranger said.

"You're.. A girl?" Tubbo asked, confused.

"You got a problem with that?" The mysterious woman snapped.

"I don't, but he does" Tubbo said and pointed to me.

"Oh, that's nice. Don't care." Next thing I knew she was already running away

"Hey! Get back here!" I yelled at her. Tubbo and I ran after her, but no luck. She had vanished.

                                                                                     ~Wilbur POV~

"Who.. Who was that?" Fundy asked and walked over to Tommy and Tubbo.

"I don't know, but the only thing I do know is she's a woman." Tommy said, then he gasped.

"Wilbur! There she is! She's running!" Tommy yelled and ran towards the direction he saw the mystery thief. He saw that she had stopped running and grabbed something, but he was too far away to see what it was. Wilbur grabbed my sword and tried attacking her. She had dogged the attack so smoothly. Wilbur, Fundy, Tommy, and Tubbo tried to attack her, but she kept dodging all our attacks.

"What, can you not fight?" Tommy growled, putting himself in a fighting position.

The thief sighed, took out the Netherite sword and got into her fighting position. It was a 4 v 1, there's no way she could win.. Could she?

(A/n: Sorry my chapters are so short! I hope your liking the story so far ;-;) 

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