Chapter 3: Mystery

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  (A/n: Okay. Dream and Y/n are around the same age (I'm giving no effort to look at what I said before, but no, Dream is not a pedophile. I rest my case. Thank you for reading my TED-talk.)                                                                    

                                                                      ~Y/n POV~

"Let's just make this quick, kay?" Y/n said. She was ready for this. She was basically better than Technoblade. She could take them. They charged at her, but she used her feet and swiped the floor, making all four of them loose their balance. One of the men got up and tried to fight Y/n.

"Who the hell are you?" One of them said.

"Great question. None of your business." Y/n growled back.

The man lunged at Y/n, but Y/n dogged by a back flip and pulling out her bow mid air and shooting the man in the shoulder with an arrow.

"Ugh. What the fuck!" the man cursed. He was severely bleeding, but Y/n made sure that the wound wasn't fatal. It would probably just hurt a lot.

"So tell me, what are your names?" Y/n asked.

The bleeding man sighed and said: "Wilbur".




  "Alright. Wilbur was your name? Yeah, sorry about the bow and arrow thing, but at the same time, not sorry." Y/n started walking away from the men, but she had to once again, do another back flip. Tommy had tried to stab her with his Iron sword.

"Iron? Really? Listen Tommy, you simply can't beat me with an Iron sword." Y/n also shot Tommy in the shoulder with an arrow. This time, she wasn't as sorry for Tommy as she was for Wilbur.

"Well, it was nice meeting you, but I really have to go now. Can't stay and chit chat forever." and Y/n walked away and slowly let her wings open and let her fly away. (A/n: Bet you forgot you had wings.)

                                                                                    ~Dream's POV~

"Wow" was all Dream could think of. He watched the whole scene of this mystery girl teleport in front of Tommy and Tubbo, and FIGHT all of them in a 4 v 1. He knew he could have done that by himself and would have been simple enough for him, but she back flipped and shot Wilbur MID AIR. That took a lot of skill. Even Dream couldn't do that just yet. But his question was, who was she, and where did she come from?

Dream decided to find out himself. He silently followed her and where she went surprised him. Why is she going to Techno's house? Dream thought. He stayed at a wall by the house and listened.

                                                                           ~Y/n POV~

 "Techno, I'm back!" Y/n called out.

 "Hey Y/n! Welcome back. Did you get it?" Techno asked and hugged you.

 "Yeah, I got it. Had to fight a couple of people, but I'm fine. " Y/n shrugged.

 "I can put some enchantment books on it. Do you want Sharpness? Smite? Fire aspect?" Techno asked.

 "Eh, I'll take some Sharpness, Mending, fire aspect and knockback, please" Y/n said. 

 "That's some good stuff on a Netherite sword." Techno complimented.

 "Thanks. Also, when your done with the sword.. I think I should go on my own. See what I can do." Y/n was only 14, but she was very strong and powerful. 

 "Hey, it's your life, not mine. Live it to its fullest." Techno said and have me a hug. 

 "Okay, okay, I get it. Now lemme change, these black pants are getting annoying. " 

Techno chuckled and walked away with the sword and went into the enchanting room. When she was walking back in more comfortable clothes, she grabbed an invisibility potion, milk, and a Diamond sword. She went to her room, drank the potion, and walked outside. She saw a man with a green cloak, but she couldn't quite see his face. Y/n drank the milk and pinned him to the wall, her Diamond sword at his neck. 

 "Who are you, and what do you want?" I growled at the man. No wonder she couldn't see his face was because he had a mask covering his face.

(A/n: I know, I know it's short, but it's going to get better!) 

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