Chapter 27: Revoked

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(A/n: Thank you guys for more than 17K reads! Art doesn't belong to me, so if your the artist and would like me to take this down, please let me know, and I will do so. Anyways, let's get this chapter started!)

                                                                    ~Nobody's POV; At L'manburg~

Nobody had noticed that Y/n had ran off, but only two people did notice that Dream had vanished.

"Hey, did you see where Dream went?" Sapnap whispered to George.

"No, and now speaking of it, where's Y/n?" George looked at Sapnap.

George and Sapnap put two and two together and looked at each other.

They smirked at each other and laughed.

When they stopped laughing, their attention went back to the podium, where Schlatt stood at.

Schlatt cleared his throat, and started speaking once again.

"My first decree, as the president of L'manburg, the EMPEROR of this great country.. Is to REVOKE the citizenship of Wilbur Soot, and TommyInnit." His voice boomed.

Gasps exploded from the crowd, Tommy staggers back in shock. Wilbur's eyes widened.

Quackity laughed and cheered.

"Get them out of here." Schlatt demanded.

Eyes and heads turn to Wilbur and Tommy, and on instinct, they run.

"Until further notice, Wilbur Soot and TommyInnit are nearly a memory of L'manburg, a relic of the past. A reminder, of the DARKEST era this country has ever seen, and I guarantee you all, dear citizens, tonight, that changes. We are entering a new period in L'manburg. A period of prosperity of strength, of unity, and I will be the one to show us the light." Schlatt stated.

"Now, where's Tubbo?" He asked the small amount of people that were still listening to Schlatt.

"I'm right here." He got up, and raised his hand.

Schlatt gave an evil smile.

"Tubbo, get up here." He said.

Tubbo made his way up to the podium, where he was greeted by Schlatt.

"Ah, Tubbo, so good to see you." He smiled.

"Nice to see you too, Mr. President." Tubbo greeted shyly.

"Here, take my spot on the podium, as my secretary of state, my right hand man, of L'manburg." He said to Tubbo.

"U-uh, okay," Tubbo stammered.

"Tubbo, I need you to do something for me, Tubbo." Schlatt looked at Tubbo

"What is it, Mr. President?" Tubbo asked.

"I need you to find Tommy, and I need you.. To show him the door." Schlatt demanded.

"And, rumor has it, that Y/n lives somewhere in L'manburg. If you see her, please, bring her to me. Love to see her again." Schlatt grins.

                                                                             ~Time skip; One day later~

"People of L'manburg, the sun rises, on another beautiful day, in our country. The sun rises on another chapter of our history, another page in the textbook that children will be reading 'till the end of time. I reckon our nation needs to expand! I reckon we've.. We've done our country great service. I reckon.. We take down the walls."

                                                                                       ~Y/n POV~

Y/n was listening to Schlatt's boring speech, until her ears pick up on footsteps.

She looks around, and sees that some of the grass has been disturbed. She looks around.


She feels someone watching from behind her, so she spins around and attacks.

She felt someone's body, but she couldn't see anyone there.

"What the fuck, woman?" The invisible force curses.

"What do you mean what the fuck? Why the fuck are you invisible?" Y/n asks Tommy.

Tommy sighs.

"Schlatt banned me and Wilbur from L'manburg, and people are looking for us. I gotta go now, I'm sorry, Y/n." Tommy says, and manages to squirm away from Y/n's hold on him. It was back to how it was before; peaceful.

But not for long.

When Y/n got back to listening to Schlatt, he heard the words,

"-We take down the walls."

What? No, no, no, no, no. This is bad. I need to tell to Dream. Y/n panicked.

She ran to the woods, but ran into Fundy.

"Ah, Y/n! I've been looking for you." Fundy smiled.

"You.. Have?" Y/n questioned.

"Yeah, I've been looking for you so you can help me find Tommy and Wilbur?" Fundy asked.

"I would love to, Fundy, but I need to go somewhere." Y/n said in a hurry.

"Oh, alright, see you later then." Fundy said and hugged Y/n.

Pain hit her arm.

She looked at her arm, an arrow was lodged in, being pushed in farther by Fundy.

"What the fuck?!" She shouted, and fell to her knees.

She realized what affect was on the tip of the arrow.


She hurt all around now, as she fell onto the floor, barely able to hold herself from blacking out.

"I'm sorry, Y/n, but this was an order by Schlatt." Fundy said.

Everything went black.

She woke up in a room with a nice bed, a small table with a book and quill, a mirror, and a bathroom.

The iron door opened, revealing the person she despised the most. He reeked of alcohol and smoke, an evil smirk played on his mouth.

"Fancy seeing you again, Y/n." He laughed.

Fuck, I need to get out of here.

(A/n: Hi! I know this chapter is a bit short, but the next one will be longer, I promise! Thank you guys for voting on my chapters, and thank you for 1.2k reads on my first chapter! Love you guys, byeeeee!) 

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