Chapter 30: Over Time

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(A/n: Hi guys! Thank you guys for 20k reads! You guys are awesome! Hope you guys are having a great day or night wherever you live! Anyways, let's get this chapter started! Also, art belongs to Weiqi on YouTube! Go check out her art, she's amazing!)

                                                                               ~Y/n POV (First person)~ 










What is happening to me? 

I wasn't quite sure. 

I can't move.

I can't speak. 

All I see is darkness. 

All I hear is laughing, screams of pain, pleads, cries of pain, and laughter. 

Who was that person laughing? I wasn't quite sure either. 

Suddenly, I see light. 

A boy with light brown hair, and a different multi-colored sweater is walking towards me, and the light follows him. 

He looks up, and sees me.

He bows.

The light consumes me, and I can move and speak again. 

"Hello? Where am I?" I ask. 

"Why, your in the in-between! How can I help you, great phoenix?" He asks. 

Phoenix? Who am I? More likely, what am I? 

"Who are you?" I ask the boy. 

"My name is Karl, Karl Jacobs! I'm here to help you get back to the SMP. Do you know how you got here?" The boy named Karl asks me.

"I.." I try to speak, but memories flood into me.

It hurts.

It's not stopping.

It hurts more and more.

"Y/n? What are you doing here? You're not supposed to be here." I voice called.

"Wilbur?" I squeak.

How did I know this man? Is he going to hurt me? What do I do?

"Y/n! Come back to us, please! We need you to come back!" A distant voice calls.

I felt like I knew them. I could trust them.

Then, before I could do anything,

Darkness consumes me again.

                                                                        ~George's POV~

George sighed.

It's been painful seeing Dream like this.

He knows Dream hasn't been getting much sleep lately, he can hear it in his voice.

He was worried for his best friend.

He put his hand on his forehead and sighed again.

He got up off of the chair he sat on, and he walked to Dream's room.

He knocked on the door.

A small 'Come in' was heard, so George opened the door.

Dream was looking out his window, his mask on his bed. His iconic lime green hoodie was tied around his waist, showing his black T-shirt, and he was wearing ripped black jeans.

George frowned.

"Dream, your going to catch a cold, please put on your hoodie. It's very cold outside today." George said.

Dream turned to face George.

His once gleaming green forest eyes (They're yellow to George) were now dim and almost lifeless. He had dark black circles under his eyes, clearly showing he hasn't gotten a lot of sleep, if any at all.

Dream barely ate anymore, and it was showing.

He had to hold onto his wall to keep himself upright.

And it looked like he'd been crying a lot.

The freckles that splattered his face now looked tear stained, and his nose looked a pink color along with his pink puffy eyes.

"Dream.." George sighed.

"She'll be okay. You know Y/n, she's a fighter. She'll pull through this." George said.

It hurt George's heart seeing his best friend like this.

He's never been so emotional about someone he's barely met for a year.

Dream let go of the wall he was holding onto, and fell to the floor.

"What if she doesn't make it?" He sobbed.

"Don't say that, Dream. I know she'll make it!" George smiled.

He hugged Dream while he cried on his shoulder.

He rubbed small circles on Dream's back, in attempt to comfort him.

Eventually, he finally heard Dream's breathing even.

He finally fell asleep.

He carefully picked Dream up, and laid him onto his bed.

He moved his mask, and set it on his table.

He walked out of his room, and closed the door.

He walked down to the room where he's been keeping an eye on Y/n's health.

When he opened the door, he saw a female figure looking out the window, just like Dream did.

She turned around, and George gasped.


(A/n: Hi!! Sorry this chapter is kinda short and I guess it's a filler and has angst in it, but I hope you guys like this chapter! Thank you guys for 23k reads! Thank you for all the supportive comments! See you guys next chapter!)

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