Chapter 31: Awakening: Part One

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(A/n: This art is so amazing please give it love, and again, I don't know who the artist is, but if you're the artist, and would like me to take it down, please let me know, and I will do so. Thank you guys for the nice and funny comments, votes, and reads! Also, my DM's are open to song suggestions! My DM's are also open if anyone would like to tell me something! Thanks for the suggestion naomi_7979!

Disclaimer: Song suggestion is not used in this chapter, sorry! It'll be in a chapter soon!



When he opened the door, he saw a female figure looking out the window, just like Dream did.

She turned around, and George gasped.


                                                                ~Y/n POV (First person)~



So that was my name.


I looked at the male standing in front of me.

He wore a light blue shirt, with a red and while box in the middle. He wore blue jeans, with black shoes. He also had some goggle looking glasses atop of his head.

He had beautiful chocolate eyes that were glazed with concern and worry.

I felt like I knew him, but I couldn't remember.

"I feel like I know you." I say out loud.

"You do know me. I'm George! What happened to you?" He asked.



I know that name.

What were the others names?



Okay.. Who else..

C'mon Y/n, think!



That's his name.


"Where's Dream." I snap at him.

"He's sleeping right now." George sighs.

"I.. Okay." I sigh in defeat.

"So.. What happened to you?" George asked.

"Well, I felt so many emotions. Sadness, anger, pain, fear.. It was horrible. I met a boy named Karl Jacobs, and he said I was in something called 'The in-between' or whatever that is. Then, I woke up, and I wanted to look out the window. I heard someone crying, but I didn't know where it was coming from." I said to George.

George looked down.

"You should get some sleep. We can talk about this in the morning, okay?" George said.

"Okay.." I sigh.

               ~Ironic Time Skip; The Next Day (Still Y/n's first person POV)~

I grunt as light seeps through the curtains of the room I'm in.

I slowly open my eyes and adjust to the lighting.

Before even thinking, I instantly move towards the bathroom.

After I freshened up, I wore some comfortable clothing.

I wore black combat boots, a black T-shirt, and ripped black jeans.

(A/n: Something like these)

(A/n: Something like these)

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(A/n: I would think everyone can imagine a black T-shirt

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(A/n: I would think everyone can imagine a black T-shirt. I'm too lazy to put in a picture of that lol)

After I felt satisfied with what I wore, I opened the door.

I tried walking out, but unsurprisingly, I almost fell.

Jesus Christ, how long was I out for? I asked myself.  

"You gonna ask to marry the floor or what?" George joked.

(A/n: Why must I laugh at my own jokes I make up on the spot ;-;)

"Oh shut up you five foot nine inch short ass." I retort.

"I'M NOT THAT SHORT!" George yells.

"Your five foot six inches, Y/n! I'm taller than you!" George huffs.

(A/n: Congratulations, your now either taller, or shorter. You're now my height. You're welcome.)

"I'm average height for women." I hiss.

"So am I! I'm average height for men!" George yells once again.

"Yeah, and last time I checked, your older than both Dream and Sapnap, yet your still shorter than them." I chuckle.

"Only by an inch am I shorter than Sap.." George mutters.

"What the FUCK is all this noise?" Sapnap groans.

"Not my fault. George is just whining that he's short." I say, sticking my tongue out at George.

"Well that's because you are short Geor- wait.. Y/N?!" Sapnap cut himself off mid-sentence to acknowledge my presence. 

"Hi?" I cocked my head to the side in confusion.
(A/n: If anyone starts talking my wording usage, I will commit arson. Just kidding, I'll track you down and steal your kneecaps.)

"So, what's new?"

(A/n: So because I was upset at myself that it's taken me a long time to do this chapter, I decided to leave it here, and make a part two to this chapter. I'm sorry, please don't hate me! ;-;)

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