Chapter 25: Back Here.. Again..

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(A/n: Thank you for 12.4K reads! I'm so glad people are liking this story! We finally got to 1K reads on someone's book! Anyway, hope you guys like this chapter!) 


Holy fuck, this place is rigged with TNT..



Trigger Warning: Blood

                                                               ~Y/n POV~

The moment those words left her mouth, the ground exploded. She was lifted into the air, and then struck down from a heavy rock.

She was now pinned down to the floor from the rock, barely still awake.

She looked around.

Tubbo had shielded the rocks that had rained on everyone,
Wilbur's head was bleeding badly,
Fundy was knocked out,
Ranboo had teleported away.

Her vision was getting more and more blurry by the second.

She tried to push the rock off of her with all the strength she had, but she failed, and was knocked out.

                                                                      ~Sapnap POV (First person)~ 

Shit, that's not good. Y/n's been knocked out cold. I said to myself.

"Sap, go get Y/n. She's not looking too good." Dream said to me. I heard the concern in his voice, so I rush over to her.

"Ant! Get over here!" I yell.

Ant rushed over to me.

"Whatcha need, Sap?" He asked me.

"Help me get this rock off of her and I need you to check her for any injuries." I tell him.

Ant nods.

"Count of three, we lift the rock off, okay?" I say.

Ant nods again.

"One.. Two.. THREE!"

Me and Ant lift the rock off of Y/n.

Ant picks up Y/n and runs over to the drug van.

I make my way over to Dream. 

"Where is Ant taking Y/n?" He asks.

"Well, he's going to check her for any bad injuries. I chose him because he's gay. No need to think he's gonna steal her from you." I say.

                                                  ~Ant's POV (First person again lmao)~

"Sorry Y/n, I have to do this.." I tell her.

I took off the shirt of her uniform, and I looked at her injuries.

Her stomach had heavy busing from the rock.

Is that..? Shit.. This isn't good. I say to myself.

I run out as fast as I can and run back to Sapnap.

"What's wrong, Ant?" Sapnap asks me.

"I need you to.. Help me.. Y/n.. Is.. Suffering from internal bleeding.. The blood.. Is filling up her lungs.. It will kill her.. I need you to help me so I can.. Drain the blood.. Out of her lungs.." I manage to say, out of breath.

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