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– What's wrong with you? Are you okay? Ni-ki asked. If you didn't want to come you could have said no.

Jungwon sighed, his back hurting from the position he fell asleep last night.

– No it's just that I fell asleep in a weird position and now my back hurt so bad.

– Oooh, do you want me to give you a massage ? Ni-ki asked.

– That would be cool, you owe me one anyway since I'm the one to buy the costumes.

– Yeah sorry about that.

– Don't worry.

Jungwon and Ni-ki were at the mall to find some Halloween costumes. Jungwon had no idea what to be for the party, the costumes were all either too childish or too sexy.

– Oh my god! This could be it! Ni-ki exclaimed, he took a costume and ran toward the cabin's to try it on.

Jungwon sat on a little sofa, laying his back on it made him feel good, he sighed while playing with the zipper of hoodie.

Ni-ki came out of the cabin doing a spin for Jungwon.

Jungwon stood up straight, smiling at Ni-ki.

– Wow so cool! You totally dig that Batman costume.

Ni-ki blushed, but composed himself afterwards.

– I know right, Ni-ki smirked, satisfied with his choice.

– Now your turn!

Jungwon gave him a pout, making ni-ki flustered.

– But... I don't have any idea what to wear!

Ni-ki walked toward an aisle, and took a costume out randomly.

– Try this on, Ni-ki handed him the costume.

Jungwon eyed it with worried eyes and walked to one of the cabin's.

Ni-ki had chosen a vampire costume with the fake fangs and everything.

Jungwon walked out with the costume, making Ni-ki raises his head.

– Wow...

Jungwon eyebrows wiggled.

– You're sexy, Ni-ki said.

Jungwon eyes went wide, a little laugh escaped his lips.

– Sorry... Niki mentally face palmed.

– Don't worry, it's better than nothing. But I prefer charisma!

Ni-ki nodded. He tried to hide his feelings for Jungwon, but he wasn't very good at it.

In the end, Ni-ki chose to be batman. Since the boy was 6 foot, it looked really good on him. And for Jungwon, he was pleased with being a sexy or more like charismatic vampire.

Jungwon pulled out his cash, handing it to the cashier after getting the costumes scanned.

After a while, they went to almost every stores in the mall, excluding the lingeries stores and the babies clothing stores. Jungwon stopped in front of a music store, eyeing a vinyl disc in particular. When he looked more further inside the music store, he saw a familiar silhouette in the back.

– Wait for me, I won't be long, Jungwon said to Ni-ki who nodded, slurping his sprite.

Jungwon smiled to himself, the more he walked the more he could hear the sound of piano keys playing. Jungwon loved pianos, but he never had the chance to learn how to play.

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