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The days went by faster than they could have imagined. Tomorrow was already Christmas, and Jungwon couldn't be happier to have Jay by his side.

It was the first time he had a boyfriend on Christmas and it felt so weird yet so nice.

– Guess what! Jungwon said excitedly to his boyfriend who smiled at him.

– You saw yourself in the mirror and realized that you are the prettiest boy to exist in this world, Jay said holding Jungwon close to him.

Jungwon giggled,

– That's impossible since the prettiest boy ever is holding me right now.

Jay looked fondly at Jungwon and kissed his lips softly.

– No, but for real. Try to guess!

– I don't know, Jay said sitting down on the sofa.

Jungwon sat down on Jay's lap, his face being illuminated by the Christmas tree. Jay grabbed Jungwon's face and pulled their cheeks together. If Jay could, he would hold Jungwon even harder but he didn't want to hurt his little body.

– I got my driver license! I can now drive whenever I want! Jungwon said with a proud but shy smile.

Jay tickled Jungwon's side,

– Ooh! Baby I'm so proud of you! I won't need to pick you up all the time now! It was getting tired of always having to do your lifts, Jay said trying to look dramatic.

Jungwon pushed him away, his lips forming a pout, but Jay grabbed him back, shoving his lips right on Jungwon's ear.

– Where do you think you're going, mh? Jay whispered huskily in Jungwon's ear, making the smaller shiver.

Jay's hand slowly rubbed little circles on Jungwon's hip, making Jungwon cross his legs and hold onto Jay's thighs.

Jay... Jungwon moaned.

A/N : I'm jealous of Jungwon, but let's not talk about it.

Suddenly Jungwon's dad walked in, making Jay stop everything he was doing.

– Are you guys ready to open your presents ? Eden asked.

Jungwon shifted on Jay's lap,

– Yes!! Jay exclaimed.

Eden laughed at the boy reaction.

He then pulled out one of the presents from under the Christmas tree and handed it toward Jay.

– Since you're so excited about it, here you go, Eden said.

Jay's eyes widened,

– You didn't have to make a present- Jay started.

– You deserve it, I really think you are a good guy, Jay. You're taking good care of Jungwon and I want to thank you for that.

Jungwon smiled so big that all of his dimples showed up, he was happy to know that his dad was accepting his boyfriend so well. Jungwon removed himself from Jay's lap and sat next to him cross-legged.

Jay smiled and started to open the gift, the papers flying everywhere in the room, making Jungwon giggle. He opened the box to reveal a key.

– What is it for?

– It's the key to our house, so that you can come in whenever you want. You're a part of the family now, and family is always welcome.

Jungwon clapped his hands from excitement. Jay hugged Eden and thanked him.

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