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A/N : this chapter will contains a lot of different point of view. follow well! Don't read if you are sensitive about murder.

Jungwon looked back at the dead body with wide eyes. Meanwhile, Heeseung was puking in the toilet bowl, all his anxiety coming out of his mouth.

Jungwon was about to touch the body but Heeseung grabbed his arm.

– Don't touch it! We need to call the police, if they find your fingerprints on him you'll end up in jail. Heeseung said while he rubbed his mouth with his sleeve.

– You're right...

Jungwon sat down on the floor, bringing his knees close to his stomachs, his head fell on his knees. He saw these type of things on tv or in horror movies, but in real life it was totally different. His mind was racing with a million of question at the same time.

Heeseung pulled out his phone, dialling the police with trembling hands.

– H- Hello, yes I- I  would like to report a mur-murder.

Sunoo's point of view.

Sunghoon pushed me away, my back hitting the wall.

– Ouch!

– Why didn't you lock the door?! Sunghoon asked.

He looked pretty mad.

– Why would I lock it? Why didn't you do it?! I'm not the only one in the story! I said, my face boiling from anger.

– This, Sunghoon said pointing to each other's, shouldn't have happened.  We're brothers.

I walked slowly toward him.

– Why? Don't say that please... I know you feel the same way I do. And we don't have the same parents. We're adopted, Sunghoon. There's nothing wrong with that... Or with us...

Sunghoon looked at me, tears forming in his eyes.

– I'm just so scared you know... Sunghoon said.

– I know, but I'm here for you.

I took Sunghoon face between my hands and slowly kissed his lips. Sunghoon kissed back, his now wet cheeks touching mine's.

Someone knocked hard on the door, making the both of us separate again.

– GUYS! POLICE IS HERE, GET OUT! A voice shouted.

Sunghoon looked at me and we walked outside the bedroom immediately.

When we went outside and to the living room, everyone was running outside the house like if their life depended on it.

– What's happening?! I asked.

Sunghoon pointed out that Jungwon and Heeseung were sitting on the sofas, being interrogated by a police officer.

Behind them, someone walked with a stretcher toward the exit. On it was someone with a white blanket on top of them.

Sunghoon's mouth was wide open in shock. I walked toward Jungwon and Heeseung wo looked very worried.

KILL AND CHILL | JAYWONWhere stories live. Discover now