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Waking up felt like falling from the sky. The flowing wind passing through green curly hair and kissing his skin. It was a nice feeling. Not a care in the world, just the sky.

But of course, every great thing must come to an end.

Izuku opening his eyes was a task on its own. His eyelids felt heavy not wanting to move an inch. He was very tired.

He tried his best and opened his eyes. He was in his room, lying down on his bed.

Though the room was still dark, he knew he was there. The potent smell of cleaning products and the strong scent of Kai's and Hari's cologne. He sniffed his massive pillow and smelt the two men. He smiled and nuzzled into the cushion.

Today he had to get his blood drawn. He had done it tons of time in the past, every other day, practically. Izuku just hated how he would feel tired afterwards. And how Kai and Hari would be busy all day, only seeing him during meals and getting blood drawn. Maybe he was exaggerating, but he would miss them dearly.

Before he knew it, the door opened. He heard two people walking in. The lights turned on showing Kai and Hari.

Hari wheeled in the wheelchair and the other items. Kai walked in getting a fresh pair of Pjs.

Izuku hummed and shivered in delight. He tried to pretend to sleep by flopping on his left side curling up. From an outsider's view, you could clearly tell someone was faking it.

With the clothes in his arms, Kai travelled on the left side of the bed and sat down beside the bump. Hari left the room and went to grab Izuku's breakfast. On most days like this, they would get everything done much more early. The two men would be busy with their own work making it hard for them to see the boy. Which created a toll on Izuku, but he managed.

Once Hari was fully gone, Kai leaned down and pulled the blanket off Izuku's body. The boy tugged on the fabric, trying to bring it closer to him. Kai smiled under his mask, he lightly pulled. Izuku pulled harder, though it was weak. Izuku giggled and whined once he realized he messed up. He was trying to "fake" sleep but laughing alerted Kai he was actually awake.

On the other side, Kai knew Izuku was trying to play a little game with him and he played along. He loved seeing his little Angel happy.

In defeat, Izuku threw the blanket off and looked at the masked man above him. The boy was surprised that he saw Kai with his plague mask on, normally he rarely saw it. And if he did, it was never this close. Izuku started to overthink, "Nononono why? I messed up! Nononono''

Kai lightly gasped, this was never his attention. He heard Izuku mutter distressed speech. He didn't take the mask off because he would have to put it back on right away. Not seeing any point in doing it, a waste of time. But he didn't realize, Izuku wouldn't have known that.

Izuku felt tears trickle down his cheeks. Kai took off his white gloves and mask, with his bare hand, he wiped Izuku's face free from tears. The boy gave a puzzled look, he brought his hand up to Kai's face and touched the skin.

"W-why?" He stuttered.

Kai leaned back into a sitting position and pulled the weightless boy onto his lap. Izuku continued to touch the man's cheek, flabbergasted. Kai leaned forward and kissed him on the forehead.

"I'm sorry that I scared you, I shouldn't have done that." He held Izuku's hand near his cheek. "Can you forgive me? Angel?"

Izuku nodded violently, he never wanted Kai to be sad. He was just scared and confused.

They held each other for a while, enough time for Hari to come back in with food.

Hari looked over to where the two sat, he kept his mask on and prepared breakfast. He knew how much his boss hated him seeing his soft side, so he let them be. He didn't know what had happened but he could assume.

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