The Forest

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With eyes wide open, Shoto fired an ice shard at the bush. The rabbit Izuku was pursuing hid behind a limb, and they lost track of it there. Shoto kept a secure eye on the bunny since he knew Izuku would have loved to know where it went.

Now that Shoto had found the bunny and attempted to lay his hands on it, it disintegrated into blobs. The bunny fell apart as if it was sand. Shoto gasped in fright, sending an ice beam hurtling.

Jumping into fight mode, Shoto spread his legs out, ready for something. The bunny didn't just disintegrate; it was deconstructed.

Shoto came to realise Izuku wasn't near him.

"Izuku!" He yelled, jerking back and forth. "Izuku! Come here!" He felt fear rising inside, his heart pounding. "Izuku! This isn't funny! Come here!" God, how oblivious can he be? He genuinely thought Izuku was right behind him.

Shoto raced further into the forest, eyes wide. His hero instinct went into high gear; everything he knew about being a hero and saving people came in full force. First, he needed to search for Izuku, and if he couldn't find him, start to look for clues.

Izuku couldn't have gone far, that's for sure. "Izuku!" He called one more time, cupping his hands around his mouth as he yelled. He stayed silent for a second, looking around. The forest gave him only the sounds of the leaves ruffling against each other. A few birds chirped, but that was it.

Izuku was nowhere to be found. Shoto's heart dropped; where could he have gone? He pivoted; Izuku might have gone back to the camp. Shoto kept an eye out as he exited the forest. He prayed that Izuku would find his way back. If not, he can ask Mirio and Katsuki for help.

It is odd how he felt completely comfortable calling Katsuki and Mirio by their first names. They never told him he could or not, but they also never made an effort to stop him from doing it. It made him feel a part of a group (he really wanted to say family, but he isn't sure he's a part of it yet as he hasn't known Izuku for long) which was such a nice feeling.

Reaching the cusp of the forest, his eyes shot to the camp. He saw Mirio on the phone, pacing back and forth. And Katsuki kicking sand. However, there was no Izuku. Shoto ran to them, heart racing.

If Izuku wasn't there, that would mean he's lost. The idea of that broke his heart. "Do you know where Izuku is? Did he come back here?"

Before he could get close to the camp, Katsuki flashed a deathly glare at him and shot at him, his explosions powering him forward. "You idiot! Where is Izuku!?"

"I lost him-"

"You lost him!? What the hell!"

"Shoto," Mirio said calmly, with a little edge to it, removing the phone from his ear and putting it on speaker. "You are telling us, Izuku is still in the forest?"

"Yes, I believe so."

"Shit- Shoto. Did he run off?" Mirio said with fright.

Shoto nodded. He explained how it happened, how Izuku ran off because of the rabbit, and how he lost him. He also mentioned the rabbit being destroyed out of nowhere. It made the others speak of their shock. "What?"

"Say that again."

He repeated it. "The bunny I saw turned into blobs of its body parts and into dust."

Katsuki and Mirio eyed each other. A voice from the phone spoke up, startling Shoto. "That must've been Chisaki's quirk."

"What are you talking about?" Shoto became alarmed, a sickening feeling forming in his heart.

Katsuki gritted his teeth in anger, "the phone call I got earlier was them." Shoto coughed on his spit, bending forward. "What?"

"They tricked me. I fucking swear they made someone do it as the person didn't sound like them at all." Katsuki swore, kicking the mound of sand.

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