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A full week had passed since Izuku's punishment. Kai and Hari came back the same night of the punishment and made sure Izuku didn't hurt himself from fear. Like a good boy, he fell asleep. Unknown to the two men, Izuku cried himself to sleep. He felt he was the worse person in the whole world. In the morning, they talked to him about what he did and how he can change for the better. he was rather surprised when Kai and Hari said they still loved him. He thought they would hate him for disobeying and breaking the rules. But to his astonishment, they loved him like nothing ever happened.

Quickly, Izuku's mood shifted from sadness to happiness. He got rather distracted and forgot about what had happened. Of course, he remembers not to use the washroom on his own or get up from the bed. Having the same schedule occur over and over again, causes the mind to be damaged beyond repair.

Kai and Hari see that they're doing nothing wrong, they're not hurting Izkuku physically. So Izuku must be fine mentally. If he's not punishment with/or hurt with violence, he must be perfectly fine.

They could not be further from the truth.

Currently, Izuku is in his massive bed, he has his blankets wrapped around his chest. He's sitting down with his back against the board. His legs are sprawled out.

Hari and Kai left for work, leaving the boy to watch a movie. Izuku never understood what the two men did for a living. They took out his blood every other day but he was clueless about what they did with it. Sometimes, he would ask what's the reason for it and they would say 'we're curing the world with your blood, also know as your quirk.'

Izuku had a hard time remembering what his quirk was, he had so much trouble recalling anything else, other than Kai and Hari. Maybe his quirk was blood-related? He wasn't sure.

The boy snuggled up to his blankets and contently watched the movie. Tonight, he was watching the Lion King. He had a hard time watching all of it but he managed. He would often get frightened over some of the character's death. In the end, Izuku watched it with determination.

After the movie concluded, a man walked into the room and went to the Tv area. Izuky had no clue who was the man, he had a simple mask on. Maybe he was a 'thug'. Kai would often refer to the random unknown people as thugs or lesser members.

Izuku watched the man grab the controller and scroll through the streaming service. Disney + was the name. It had tons of Izuku's favourite movies and shows.

The man clicked on...Lion king 2. Izuku had watched it before and immediately decided it was terrible.

"Ummm can you change?" Izuku asked pointing at the Tv screen. The man looked at the boy and paused the movie. He placed the controller down and crossed his arms.

The man scoffed, "What do you mean? I have clothes on already."

"No no, change.." Izuku pointed again at the Tv. The man looked at the Tv and back.

"hey! you can't boss people around. I don't know who you think you are, Brat, but I took time out of my schedule to be here." The man said sternly, he walked over to the bed and pulled Izuku out of the bed. He held him by the collar of his shirt and brought him to his face. "You should be grateful! But at lass, you told me to change the movie for you, you we're being bossy. I should teach you a lesson, Brat."

Izuku gulped and felt tears trickle out of his eyes.

"What? You're crying, what a joke. You're lucky Overhaul likes you, if it were up to me, I would have killed you."

Izuku began to cry harder, he was confused about who was Overhaul. Maybe it was Kai and Hari's leader? He heard Hari say it once but he couldn't remember why.

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