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AN: There will be a time change in this story.

In My Hero Academia, Kirishima does his work-study with Fat Gum after Mirio meets Eri. In this Fanfic, I will have it where Kirishima does his work-study with Fat Gum before Mirio meets Eri.

*Remember, Eri does not exist in this.


Katsuki Bakugo rubs his eyes tiredly after waking up at 7 in the morning. He normally wakes up around this time, it takes him around an hour to just get ready for the upcoming day of school. However, the only problem is the fact that he is tired.

On a normal day, Katsuki is awake and ready to take on the world. But today, it was different. He stayed up until midnight reminiscing about his Angel, Izuku. He couldn't get the poor green-haired kid out of his head. He has found ways to ignore the ever so aching memories of Izuku for some cases, though, they all seemed to have failed for him.

He hated the fact that he was losing sleep over this, he loves the kid to death but sometimes he needs a break from it all. Maybe it's karma for all the bad things he has done to Izuku. To be honest, he wishes he earns a greater punishment than just losing sleep.

Katsuki gets up from his bed after cracking his back a few times; he looks around the investigator-looking room and sighs.

He shakes his head and rubs his eyes with the palms of his hands. Today will be a long day.

He quickly grabs some of the fallen pictures and reports and posts them to their proper places on the walls. This is what he gets for buying cheap tape.

He looks at one of the pictures, Izuku smiling at the camera at the age of 4. The age before everything gone to crap.

He places a hand on the glossy picture and guided his hand along with the features of Izuku. His hand pasts down the picture to the next one below it. It was one with himself and Izuku smiling brightly. Katsuki had his arm wrapped around the boy's shoulders, hugging him tightly from the side. His mother took the picture when they were only 4. So invested with quirks.

Katsuki peals off the tape of the said picture and neatly folds it into a smaller version of it. He grabs his wallet from his backpack and slides the picture into the clear plastic pocket.

He looks down at the other ones, sighing. He fought the urge to cry tears, even if he was by himself, he doesn't want to cry. He wipes his eyes with his right thumb and began to get ready for school.


Katsuki walked down the halls of the dorms, hands stuffed in his pant pockets. He ignored the other student's looks of shocks when seeing his bags under his eyes. He could care less.

He walked to the main hall and saw Denki Kamminari, Erjiro Kirishima and Hanta Sero sitting on the green comfy couches talking rather loudly.

"No way! You're so brave!" Denki cheered with an arm in the air. Kirishima blushed in embarrassment, "Yeah! It was pretty crazy..."

Katsuki tuned out their conversation and continued his course to the kitchen, feeling his stomach grumble.

"I still find it hard to believe that I got on the news, it was pretty manly though. I mean I did save Amajiki from getting shot twice. Though, I'm still confused over what he was shot by the first time around. Fat Gum did say something about it being a drug...maybe a quirk erasing bullet? Amajiki's quirks did disapear for a bit."

Katsuki stopped in his tracks. He turned towards them and felt his quirk bubbling from his hands. He rushed over to them in an awkard speed walk, the other people around them just shrugged knowing it was in his manor to attack when he was jealous.

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