4. Alice

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Alice wakes to silence. Peace. Then her phone buzzes, the binmen clang and the family upstairs clank their feet. She groans. Her dark brown hair is in a messy bun and she is in her PJs. Her bed is covered in a blanket of paper and her pencil case leaked all over it, with pens and pencils laying there. Alice drags herself out of bed and clears it. She checks her phone to see 1 unread message.

Mom ~ Morning Lovely. Breakfast is in the fridge. See you in a bit. Xx

Smiling, Alice closes the message and goes downstairs for breakfast. Her mother's shift won't end until 10 so she still has another... An hour and 45 minutes until she returns. Suddenly, her phone pings.

Deb ~ Hey Babe. Still on for later?

Alice ~ Hey. Yep. 11:30?

Deb ~ Looking forward to it. My parents are bugging me. Should I pick you up?

Alice ~ I'm at my mom's. I'll meet you there.

Deb ~ OK no prob. See you then.

Alice ~ Bye. Love you.

Deb ~ Love you too.

The car comes to a halt outside the small, shabby coffee shop. The dark green board with it's paint peeling off and the glass missing out of one of the windows. Alice smiles at the familiar scene as she creaks open the door, causing the bell to ring. Looking around, Deb isn't there yet but she does notice their friend, Zoey, at the counter. She smiles and joins her.
"Hey Zo. How are you doing?"
"Alright. This grown ass dude called me the 'Lattay Hottay'. Weirdo. What about you? Your usual?"
"You know it. Deb's coming too so can you add hers onto that please."
"Sure thing."
A long, blonde haired man came up to the counter in a rush.
"Hey Zoey? I think you got the wrong order. I asked for a caramel frappe. This is a" he checks the cup. "grande caramel frappe in a venti cup with ten pumps of hazelnut, three shots of espresso, no caramel drizzle, with whip on top? Very specific."
"Oh sorry Jeremiah. I think that was the rude customer who stormed out a few minutes ago. Your frappe will be ready in a couple minutes. Usual table?"
"Yes please. Thank you."
He returns to his booth as a short, curly haired lady wearing the beanies cap.
"Hey Nora. Is everything OK?"
"Yep. Just letting you know that we have run out of pasties."
"Ok, I will put the notice on the tray."
Nora smiles and returns to the kitchen. Zoey sighs but a guy comes up immediately after.
"Excuse me?"
"I asked for a Hot Chocolate. I have been waiting a very long while."
"I am so sorry. Just give me 3 minutes."
"OK. I will check my watch."
He shuffles away quietly.
"According to Ethan, he always has a hot chocolate. Even in math."
"Weird. OK Al, Deb's here now."
Alice looks over and waves to her girlfriend. Zoey passes her the drinks and she heads over to their usual booth.

"Do you want to go?"
"Yeah. Let's just get refills so we can drink while we walk."
The couple walk over the the counter where Alice talked to her friend earlier. However, Zoey is long gone and a different lady is behind the counter. A man is at the start of the line and seems to be chatting happily with the barista. The guy from earlier comes over and complains that his refill never came. The customer goes to leave. Alice winks at Deb and while Deb gets the drink, Alice creeps up behind him.
"Shoot I forgot Bill's caramel frappe. Eh fuck Bill."
"What are you saying about my Dad?"
Paul jumps and turns to find his best friend's daughter with her hands on hips giving him a questioning look. She bursts into laughter and gives him a hug.
"Just kidding. I am just heading off with Deb. Tell Dad I say hi."
Paul nods and Alice leaves with Deb holding their cups.

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