9. Deb TW

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Deb yawns, stretching as she sits up in bed. Padding over to the window, she notices how bright it is. Snow! Celebrating, she texts Alice. Instead of getting a response, her phone begins to vibrate. It's Alice. Checking herself in the camera, Deb answers.
"Oh My God! Have you seen the snow?"
"Haha yeah I saw it."
"Dad says that I can stay here until it dies down! The buses are not running until it clears up!"
"Meet at Beanies?"
"See you then!"
Deb smiles and hangs up. She opens her closet and takes out a coat, beanie, jacket, top and her fluffy leggings. Searching under her bed, she finds her winter boots and quickly changes.

Rushing down the stairs, 2 at a time, Deb grabs her keys and heads out the door, ignoring her parents as she does.

12 minutes later, Deb is running, through the snow, to the old run down coffee shop. Outside, waiting, is her loving girlfriend. Alice adjusts her fluffy white earmuffs and straightens her pink coat before joining Deb. They smile and Alice passes Deb a hot chocolate, the last one since they were in high demand, especially from this one regular, Ethan's cousin Oliver. Deb pulls out some chocolate cinnamon rolls from Lakeside where she stopped on the way. Alice smiles weakly as she takes one if their favourite snack.

*** Eating Disorder and Self Harm/ Suicidal talk for the rest of the chapter ***

12 minutes later, the two sit at Oakley Park, watching the younger kids make snowmen. Deb looks over to her girlfriend and notices that she is still holding her roll that she's had since earlier. She touches her to get her attention.
"Al... Are you okay? You haven't touched your roll."
Alice turns and shrugs. Deb presses on.
"You can talk to me about anything you know..."
Deb's cut off by a raging Alice.
"I'm fine! Why do you have to poke your nose into my business all the time? I'm fine, I just don't have an appetite since I had breakfast earlier at home!"
Alice sits back down with a thump, sitting away from Deb. Mind racing, Deb recalls the notification that Alice got that morning.

Dad: Hey Al Pal. I noticed you didn't eat this morning, I'm assuming you're eating with Deb. Love you lots. Dad. Xx

Deb realises something and turns to her girlfriend.
"Alice... We don't need to talk about this but I have noticed you haven't been eating much recently. I'm just worried about you. And I saw the text from your dad earlier. You don't have to lie to me."
Alice turns to retort back but bursts into tears. An irritated mother comes over but Deb waves her away as she cradles Alice. Instead, the mother turns to shout at her son.
Deb rolls her eyes and strokes Alice's hair softly.

A few minutes later, Alice's voice pipes up.
"I'm so sorry. I just... I haven't talked to anyone about this and its difficult.. You know? I want to tell you but its so hard."
Deb agrees and Alice sits up and drags her over to an isolated part of the park - the broken playground. They sit where the swings used to be, Deb holding Alice close. Sighing, she begins.
"I've been so self conscious lately. Mom has just been telling me to eat less and more healthy and... I don't know, I guess I believed her. I still do. It's so hard to talk about cause its my body, you know? And you wouldn't understand..."
Deb wipes a tear from her and her girlfriend's eye and responds, looking around for anyone who might hear.
"Jason is favoured. Doug got out but I can't. Not for another year. I'm going to live with them hopefully but it's just difficult to cope. They pick up on everything I do, everything wrong that happens is my fault. They've made me... Well I have in the past and sometimes still do self harm. Just cut my arm a little, feel some pain and relief. Once or twice that hasn't been enough. When it comes to a climax and I just feel unimportant. I... Well I cut a part that I always avoid. I havent told anyone this, not even Doug, so please don't say anything."
Alice, too shocked for words, shakes her head to symbolise her silence. Picking up on her emotions, Deb sighs and stares absentmindedly at the trees.

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