5. Lex

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The timer rings from Lex's phone. She turns it off quickly to not wake her sister. She pads across the trailer to the bathroom. Sat on the sink, a pregnancy test is face up, across from Lex. She walks up to it and glances at the result. 2 lines. Positive. Lex sits on the toilet seat, shocked. She can't be pregnant. How will Ethan react? How can she raise a kid? She's only 19! Lex sighs and walks back to the bedroom she shares with her sister. How will she keep this a secret?

All too soon, the morning alarm rings. As Hannah gets up and ready, she shakes her sister lightly.
"Lexie? We need to get up now."
"I can't go in, I spent all last night puking. Ethan will pick you up as to the new arrangement."
Hannah nods and, after Lex nods, hugs her sister. There is a soft knock at the door and Ethan creaks it open.
"Did someone order a Prince?"
Lex smiles and softly presses her head into his chest.
"Thank you so much E. You're a lifesaver."
Smiling, Ethan kisses her on her forehead and takes Hannah's hand after pecking it gently.
"This way to the old jalopy, Banana Split."
Hannah laughs as he escorts her there, waving goodbye to his girlfriend as he does. Lex smiles but it falls as she turns back to the trailer. Pamela groans from her bedroom but Lex ignores her as she moves back to her and her sister's bedroom, finding her dress that she can throw on her work jacket. Walking down the road to work, Lex thinks about her future. God knows she can't raise a baby on her Stock Girl wage. She has to go back to school. Clean up her act, quit smoking, stop drinking. This baby has to have a good mother, one that she never had. Lex sighs and turns the corner to the back entrance.

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